Thursday, April 17, 2014

Claudine Salmon observation in his book, Early Indonesian led studio Literature (Kapustakaan Popula

The earliest printed essays led studio from women writers contributed first appeared in book form in the early 1890s in the Dutch East Indies. Only in the early 1920s, the women (on the ground who then called the Dutch East Indies led studio Indonesia) began writing novels and contributed a variety of articles to local media.
Claudine Salmon observation in his book, Early Indonesian led studio Literature (Kapustakaan Popular Scholastic, 2011) it was in line with the research Maman S. Mahayana. In a study conducted in 2000 Maman admit, the rise of publishing newspaper which was published in the early twentieth century, led studio it has contributed greatly to the birth of the author and the author of the women at that time.
Recorded the names of women writers, such as, Siti Soendari, Siti Hendoen Zaenaboen, Soeratoen, Rr Oenoen Andiloen, RA Latip, Rr Soelastri, and Soemirah Margolelo. Most of the women in the above article, usually emphasizing the importance of education led studio as a gateway into the progress. Others appealed to the customs that harm women, excluded. [1]
Although Mahayana does not mention explicitly, it could certainly happen because at the turn of the century has emerged a female character named RA Kartini, who in his letters to Abendanon, many wrote about complaints, hopes and dreams about the progress of the nation, and in particular the progress of the women. [2]
Early symptoms led studio of the emergence of women writers in the row it also can be seen from Panorama magazine, which is published in the 1920s, precisely in 1927. Magazine was taken care of by the Peranakan Chinese named Kwee, who is known as an author, and a leading journalist . In the magazine, Kwee provide room for women where women writers can load the essay form essay-poems. Through correspondence he gave guidance over the essays. Even then standing organization led studio for encouraging female authors at the time. [3]
How frantic-bingarnya paraperempuan led studio author appearance at that time was felt in the writings of Salmon, Mahayana and Myra Sidhartha above. It is sad, in the version history of Indonesian literature, led studio even not many female authors name called, including the works they produce. Even the name of Kartini led studio is known to write poetry, and writing a diary, in addition to writing led studio letters, painting, batik and collecting fairy tales and songs in the history led studio of Indonesian literature led studio is not mentioned at all. In the period led studio or generation Balai Pustaka, for example, the version history of Indonesian literature only mentions the name Hamida, the pen name of Fatimah Hasan delais who wrote Lost Mestika published in 1935.
In the period or generation New Poet referred led studio only female author names named Basil, Saleguri or Sariamin. In the period or generation 45 there are some women writers such as S. Rukiah, led studio Ida Nasution, and Siti Nuraini. In the period of the 1950s appear WIDIA name Lucia Zulia. Treading periode1960's led studio and 1970's a number of names appearing increasingly enliven the world of women in Indonesian literature authors. Even many of those who are still productive. The names of the authors in alphabetical order are: Agnes Sri Hartini Arswendo, Aryanti, led studio Asnelly Luthan, Boen S. Oemaryati, Diah Hadaning, Farida Soemargono, Ida Ayu Galuhpethak, Ike Supomo, Ima Kelvin, Iskasiah Sumarto, led studio Isma Savitri, La Rose, Highways T., Mary A. Sardjono, Marrianne Katoppo, Mira W., NH Dini, Nana Ernawati, Nina Pane, Poppy Donggo led studio Hutagalung, Rayani Sriwidodo, Rita Oetoro, S.Mara GD, S. Tjahjaningsih, Samiati Alisjahbana, Susy A. Aziz , Suwarsih Djajapuspito, Th. Sri Rahayu Prihatmi Simpson Said, Titis Basino, Toety Herati Noerhadi, V. Lester, Waluyati. In the field of poetry was born a list of names like, Toeti Heraty, N. Susy Aminah Aziz, Diah Hadaning, Isma Savitri, M. Poppy Donggo Hutagalung, Rayani Sriwidodo, Upita Agustin, Agnes Sri Hartini Arswendo, Asnelly Luthan, and Tuti Kuswardani. While in the field of fiction appeared the names of NH Dini, Mariane Katoppo, Iskasiah Sunarto, Mary A. Sardjono, Marga T, Th. Sri Rahayu Prihatmi, Titis Basino PI, Totilawati Tjitrawasita, Aryanti (another led studio name Haryati Soebadio), and others. However, the position and their works 'still' remains immersed in the shadow of the male author. Traces of them almost never traceable today. Many suspicions expressed by, among others, the presence and position them accidentally sunk by literary critics that in fact men. Suspicions of this kind is considered feminist literary critics over the imbalance led studio between male author with female authors, talks imbalance between the works of authors of men with women writers in the literary world in various countries including in literature Indon

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