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Although there are fewer and fewer bulbs are sold in the store and there are good alternatives for hands, hanging, according advanced lighting MilieuCentraal an average advanced lighting of 15 bulbs in a Dutch household. These lamps use 15 along with all other sources of illumination at an annual average of 15% of our total electricity consumption. In places where lights are on all day or more light is required, lighting covers a greater proportion of electricity. The share of electricity advanced lighting for sports clubs or retailers is significantly higher. The electricity which is necessary for the illumination of retail premises, for example, can reach up to 80% of the total electricity consumption.
Energy efficient lighting such as LED - which is an abbreviation of Light Emitting Diode - can be substantial savings on electricity consumption. LED lights are 90% more efficient than incandescent bulbs and halogen lighting, but LED bulbs are still not universally accepted. This is due to uncertainty or skepticism about color, warmth, durability, advanced lighting quality, environmental pollution, radiation, pricing, warranties, fixtures, etc. With three experts in the field of LED lighting we get April 30 finally advanced lighting answer all our questions! LED Experts
Olino is organization of independent experts, in addition to information about electric vehicles and solar panels also keep a lamp database. With the knowledge we gain from this database by Marcel van der Steen and Jeroen van Agt finally answer advanced lighting basic and complex questions like, there is a small LED lamp holder LED while allowing advanced lighting warm light? What is the life and why is the guarantee often shorter than the hours? What about standby power? You can only replace the lamps or immediately associated fittings? What does a good LED bulb? Is there a better alternative as light tunnels - 'solar tubes' advanced lighting - and how?
Gijs van Rooij LED Lease we look at the funding of LED lighting but also a new fresh look for relief where the business model is based on light as a service rather than a product. On the basis of examples in both commercial and private use is clear what smart structures are at hand. Program Expert Session
Prior to the Expert session takes place from the 37th Energy Breakfast 8:30 to 10:30. This time with a special breakfast speaker - Henk Westerveld - about connecting innovation and lower shelf. If you want to have breakfast with coffee or drink, then sign up via facebook or send an email to frank (at)
The percentages and claims are not unfounded. See below for the fans: Report lightly conference 2009 OliNo Lamp Portal Energy advanced lighting RFO Netherlands on energy store lighting Milieucentraal
Tags: Economy, Electricity Use, Expert, Expert session, myths and facts, Gijs van Rooij, households, LED, LED Lease, Light, Marcel van der Steen, Olino, private, sports clubs, Lighting, we have chickens, shopkeepers, business
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