Thursday, January 23, 2014

that they not ignore Ogor, also a water carrier landlite that was always hurts Impen dahiul its uni

Was Impen came from a poor family, his mother a laundress had four sons Impen, landlite Kano, Boyet and Diding.Si Impen early age of sixteen landlite who are tratrabaho as a water carrier to help her family .
that they not ignore Ogor, also a water carrier landlite that was always hurts Impen dahiul its unique appearance, as was Impen was the son of his mother to a soldier he also negro.Tinutukso it due to the presence of her mother's children `connecting another man.
One day when he was working he was tempted napagkatuwaan other water carrier led by Ogor, she was tempted but it was not ignored by Impen because he remembered landlite him charge his mother was upset because whatever temptation Ogor its gain he does not ignore nor Impen, punched her, do not Impen fought so `t opatuloy be punched by him notto Ogor to endure aysinuntok miya was Ogor, strange joy felt by Impen of time.
2012 (43) March (17) January (26) Impeng Negro Rogelio landlite Famous On that day, ... BABY FATHER SON boss Impeng IMPENG NEGRO Negro Negro Impeng "Petrang Horse" "Impeng Negro" impeng Impeng negro Negro (summary) <! - [If gte mso 9]> Normal 0 f ... Negroni Impeng Rogelio landlite Famous Impen and Si ... <! - [If gte mso 9]> Normal 0 f ... 2 2 1 (GROUP 2) was derived Impeng Impen the Negro is ... "IMPENG NEGRO" The Unkabogable PRAYBEYT's family BENJAMIN B. .. (GROUP 2) Derived Impeng Negro was Impen the ISAN ... Impeng Negro Negro Impeng Yakuza brand Impeng Impeng Negro Negro Negro Impeng

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