Wednesday, October 1, 2014

All rights reserved lights Egypt 2012-2013 | All materials contained in this Site rights reserved

Poet and women of the night clouds and fog and Will Ins and Outs of holes in the body sprawled Kalsair Bgeoff magic my heart has pounded groans and lineament osram cool blue make their moon conversing with the hero in the dark of night mercy and to ensure blows from a stone Tmzq my manhood in the open Tlatmna osram cool blue atmosphere and Idaabny my need and intellectual blame my sword and my pen and stream my breath poet and Lille and women like rain in the Empty Quarter descend Alaiy my goodness osram cool blue and mercy and you are Aaoaúa Ouselk Alai in the cavity-free hair, women and land and Sama
All rights reserved lights Egypt 2012-2013 | All materials contained in this Site rights reserved publishers,

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