Saturday, June 7, 2014

2011 (3) July (1) May (1) February (1) 2010 (57) December (2) September (2) August

2011 (3) July (1) May (1) February (1) 2010 (57) December (2) September (2) August (1) July (1) Unit (1) May (3) April (47) father tell already who you are!!!! (R"h) A father in iu"t Lighting a father month Tishrei horse part a father month Tishrei third part a father month Tishrei 2 'Te part a father hide a lite month Tishrei first part a father at Saturday table a father in Purim a father in month Nisan that definition as a Shatz - Event terrible that definition as a Shatz - Yom Kippur dumb language hide a lite that definition to be a rating - Shatz Saturday the definition of rating - holiday teacher tells fathers in the eyes of children can an editor open up when we was hungry? ... Lighting ... can a winter tree show??? .... t"u Tu order today from small RB and Little Teacher 'and buy's only by jews!!! On Saturday Lighting disorders ... He hates married!!! hide a lite ......????? When working a comedian? Hope Jew order day kindergarten teacher how labor 'et be behind a city? ..... My Country? ..... The best .... What a definition - mu"ts bikh of selling books bikh of preacher limit bikh of Harvey Star bikh of four species merchant pay the debt without secret - Purim a singer of a wedding was also an order today as are the shdkhnim??? How does that one to enjoy the whole round!! ! Purim ... The hungry dogs!!!!! Passover which lies under the title director? How is one master preacher a ruler at school who does himself when the visitor goes away? .... r"h God or folly ?!!! ... in the field of public business Intelligence glutton! Glutton ...... A hike in bread bakery a father at the order table a good home .... (Yom Kippur - Sukkot) jewish desires!!!
Sign Language Stuff! We zemir not deaf, not dumb, how come hither Sign Language? Is the desire to tell that these are not dumb, come here, let you in basic bihm"d, after Baruch said .... Oh You are dumb ... and after Baruch said, used one already even with dumb language .. ... everyone has been probably noticed that a Jew when he speaks, he tells the hands and unlike a gentile keep his hands on the place msha"kh jews when they are somehow explained is the March mid hands said, one more In one less, I had mgi"sh Yeshiva, when he learned it 'Saturday HL' bishul, he literally with the same hands used a pudding in the shells into ..., most days, has already been those entered signs that only between jews knows the optical, (perhaps the Sabbath gentile also ... having road rule uses one the gentile middle domain), let some try to take to the local mute language (seems we I have been seen once a description about this in a publication, but I remember not now who and what) that a Jew will say something about his father, he makes with his hands in the height, as we notes on someone who grew high, zeyendig signifying my father ... well .... Well, even though that is precisely his father a kleynvixige .... that we will say something - signifying his, about the rabbi of bihm"d, hide a lite or say something about His grandfather, shows people in the Board, the rabbi - grandfather, the long beard ... well .... Well, even though that the RB - grandfather had precisely no such long beard ..., but will either know that he speaks of RB or grandfather. My son shows people with the hands as in this little child, even though that the sun is a great guy ... a brother, has been a hullabaloo hfuskim, hide a lite some show at the shoulders, as one says my equal and high plant and some show with the two atsbeus one mkhivn against another, my brother Well Well ... that these sign with two abtseus could also mean good neighbor, or that I am good with that, to this all, is a key word that goes to all, here is, ehe, means no, such strong and ehe thinks so, eehhee, comes out so, when one wants to say something about his mother, he shows yet with their hands in the height As he is a tall, understands immediately the neighbor that we spoke of his father, he asks your father? He said - (No), asks that your mother?, Says he ehe - (Yes) .... with ehe could be carried quite important key, API 'on the phone bshes'n domains, Halo: well well these have middle domain?, hide a lite ehe, I give tsiruk call in 5 minutes? , In a half hour? Ehe, the Spirit still speaking today to Burl?, Eyeeeeyyeee (I know not) and that does for the new office, do something? Seen it already Yes?, Ehe, OK I call you in a half hour, well well, (well ..) when one will pass, is nevertheless simply that he made to his hands as he driver the driver here and thither , even though that in the mail when he driver as he shows here and to, makes it an obvious ... and even though that as far I know him, he caught never without the driver with both hands, but the mute language must they thus do. That we ready ourselves to fly, three people over the hands together all fingers's, in we start it on fast, like a fly still, today: seems to work on down as we shows in one go in the ground .... Marg

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