Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I am not sure what the Standing Orders say about the number of MPs needed to go forward session. We

At eighty years in Germany, I lived with a community of people who have cheered theology wrong. Initially lucalox this theology ilinichanganya and kunipunguzia certain level of my faith. After three years of living in this community and understand their theology, I love to fondle and imenijenga faith today. I was brought up on cultural and theological errors and kunyosheana blaming fingers. Person was wrong, he blamed, he hissing is nyoshewa finger, lucalox he punished and sometimes isolated from the local community. These German brothers, lucalox if a man wrong; He lauded and praised for helping lucalox the community discover its defects. They believed lucalox that someone in the community can not do without errors caused by the immediate environment. Means that the fault of one person can have is a chain of events that affect many people in the community.
These Germans, or should I say these communities, because it is a community that despite lucalox being in Germany was with the people of different nations, they believe that every event had a lesson. Be bad or good event for them is teaching. Walijitahidi reflect each event and mistakes of their community were blessed errors. They believed that the life of their community was being stood on events, whether individuals, the entire community, the nation or the entire world. And their every occasion; bad or good is a celebration!
If a man unfaithful to his marriage, rather than condemn and curse, they congratulate him for helping showing Osprey floating on their community. Hawakai were quiet until they find the source of that person betraying her marriage. Eventually, they discovered that they both shared lucalox the offense; so together they are looking for ways to help the couple. Prospering; celebrate and worship the glory of their Creator. lucalox This system kuyashangilia error correction pointers, bear, tolerance, mutual and collective strike action within the community of people with ease yanayokamilishana build something more solid, was used for all the mistakes that were yakijitokeza in their community; irresponsibility, dishonesty, selfishness, greed, lucalox prejudice, bias, etc..
Not my intention to describe lucalox at length on this theology bear, forgiveness, tolerance and mutual, but are wanting to see if we Tanzanians we can learn something from this theological error blessed? Can we use errors occurring in our nation, to discover defects as a nation we have available? Is this error was unrelated to the context in which the grassroots is yachangia?
Although personally I believe Parliament has "Violence", or even as this violence is wrong there, I have to discuss this because people want to pervert. Academics, activists lucalox and retired officials such as former Prime Minister lucalox Judge Warioba, have heard them complain that the current Parliament is violence and they want immediate lucalox action should be taken to restore the honor of our Parliament. This violence is the dismal state of the opposition MPs to question things far away from the speaker clearly show bias of his party and led to some confusion and tension of opposition MPs expelled lucalox in the sessions.
We've heard others complaining that they expelled the parliament for the offense of lighting lamps microphones would be allowed to argue with the chair. MPs slumber Parliament, the National Assembly seats were open and many arguments passed to "Yes" as one with many defects occurring in such arguments, not wrong and no one cries about these defects.
I am not sure what the Standing Orders say about the number of MPs needed to go forward session. We are witnessing a clear majority in parliament labels; or MP when he has listed his name morning, even if he does not continue with the sessions, he went into the street lucalox to eat pizza, do other activities lucalox delegated by the Speaker or the dedication he himself is counted is the Parliament? Allowances enters the pocket lucalox and citizens feel represented? Member important decisions have its approval without the presence or yea and nay votes and approve important decisions are taken, the citizens of his state they have presented much? If there is "violence" in Parliament, MPs attending Parliament sessions. If there is "violence" in our Parliament lucalox is the parliamentary pass for their fanaticism and political parties without taking into account the interests of the whole nation lucalox of Tanzania. And it is the respondent!
But since our Swahili proverb says that many give, then we discuss this opposition MPs argue with Seat and Seat show clear preference for the ruling lucalox party as a better error.
We all have a splint. Every man in his place. MPs Tusiwanyoshee finger and blaming. We would like to highly compliant. Are many Tanzanians lucalox would do that if they get a chance to represent us in Parliament? How many could speak without fear of losing vi

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