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The ears of a baby are already developed light11 the fifth month of pregnancy, so the hearing is our first sense. According to doctors the baby may already be stimulated light11 by sounds in the womb of the mother, being able to even recognize a song that is repeated numerous times.
But why music has the ability to calm a baby? A study published in Nature Neuroscience has the answer. The human brain to hear a lot of nice music releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure that can significantly affect the electrical conduction light11 of the skin, heart rate, respiration rate and even dilate the pupil.
The Brazilian light11 Society of Pediatrics released an article showing the benefits of lullabies light11 for babies. In this article, Professor and Director of Perinatal Group, Manoel de Carvalho, mentioned that the right music makes newborns from getting the regular heart rate, cry less and remain calmer.
He also mentioned that, unlike what many people say, classical music does not calm the little ones. That's because the compositions are uneven, not always with serene musical notes, which can shake even more babies. According to him, the old lullabies are the best! But what does this have to do with marketing?
Knowing such a strong relationship between music and the reactions of our brain, businesses have used as a marketing strategy to calm down or shake your customers. Major networks like Walmart use music on a large scale: either to keep the client within the market longer, or to accelerate their purchases.
At fast foods such songs are rougher than expected for a rapid turnover of people. In a restaurant where you want the subject to be much longer and consume more, usually the songs are very quiet and peaceful. The songs are also widely used in teleatendimentos.
They are there for the customer to stay calm and not realize light11 the time that is waiting to be serviced. The same strategy is used in offices and other establishments in the waiting room: to make people feel less hurried and more calm when listening to a good song.
Just as one should choose the ideal music to soothe babies, the same is true for the use of music in the trade. The choice should light11 be well made and correct for it to produce the best effects!
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