Saturday, November 15, 2014

Following the incident which terrified Canada, there were immediate and criticisms related to the s

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Home Foreign Video: Ottawa, under siege! A militant Islamist opened fire on the parliament building in downtown Canadian Video: Ottawa, under siege! A militant Islamist opened fire on the parliament building in downtown Canadian
Canada is on alert after several shots were fired at the National War Memorial and Parliament building. Following these incidents armed soldier and attacker died, and according to preliminary investigations it is called Michael cool white vs warm white Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian citizen converted to Islam.
If until now seemed insignificant threats Islamic State, it appears that concern tends to expand rapidly in all countries covered by extremists. Throughout Wednesday, the Canadian cool white vs warm white capital have fired several cool white vs warm white gunshots in the central region of Ottawa and within Parliament, where is Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, who managed to leave the area safely.
"We cool white vs warm white convey our condolences to the soldier killed; Our prayers are for the security cool white vs warm white guard who was wounded in Parliament. Canada will not be terrorized or intimidated, "said Jason Kenne, Canadian Minister of Social Development.
US President Barack Obama reacted immediately after these incidents armed in Ottawa and spoke by phone with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canadian and condolences cool white vs warm white people cool white vs warm white need security vigilance in future cool white vs warm white actions.
Shocking incident in Ottawa, which is normally a quiet town, began shortly before 10 AM (17:00 - GMT) and lasted until yesterday afternoon. Shortly after the incident, the Canadian Parliament and the city center were closed and the streets were crowded with armored cars and armed police
Canadian police are investigating it as suspicious armed attack on a Canadian citizen from Quebec named Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, who converted to Islam recently, says a source from the investigators.
Following the incident which terrified Canada, there were immediate and criticisms related to the security of Ottawa, who gave the attacker unrestricted access intriorul Parliament building, especially at a time when Islamist attacks have become increasingly fierce. cool white vs warm white Also this week, a convert to Islam ran two Canadian soldiers in his car near Montreal, killing him on one of them, before being shot dead by police. cool white vs warm white
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