Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Southern city is famous for its beautiful Victorian bilbesiktning houses built, while neighborhoods

ViaCanada Blog Archive About the city of Halifax
Halifax is the capital of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. The last census, conducted in 2011, indicated that the metropolitan area of Halifax had just over 390,000 bilbesiktning inhabitants, of which about 300,000 bilbesiktning live in the city proper.
Halifax is one of the most powerful economic centers in eastern Canada, with numerous public and private services. The industry is also well developed, and agriculture, fisheries, forestry and gas extraction plays an important role in the economic development of this locality.
The area that is today the city of Halifax was occupied at the beginning of Mi'kmaq bilbesiktning Amerindian people. Halifax Harbour named Jipugtug, which meant "sea port". Led by Edward Cornwallis, the British conquered this settlement in 1749, christening it after the Earl of Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood. Cornwallis brought along 1,176 settlers families. bilbesiktning To defend themselves from attacks by indigenous peoples, Acadien and the French, the British constructed many fortifications in Halifax, Bedford, Dartmouth and Lawrencetown.
In 1996, the provincial government decided it was necessary to form a metropolitan area around the city of Halifax. bilbesiktning It is comprised of about 200 smaller towns, contained in 18 different zoning plans.
The urban center of Halifax metropolitan area are numerous heritage buildings. Upon these buildings Citadel Hill monument dominates the imposing fortress, built by the British in 1749.
Southern city is famous for its beautiful Victorian bilbesiktning houses built, while neighborhoods in the west and north have a rustic air, here predominantly wooden houses with traditional porches. Dalhousie University campus often occurs in movies and documentaries, and Dartmouth town also has several historic districts.
In the city center there are several office buildings, built after the typical North American architecture. City development is done by urban rules very clear, so that new buildings do not block views of the harbor Citadel bilbesiktning Hill and Halifax.
The city of Halifax is an important cultural center bilbesiktning in this part of Canada. Most of its inhabitants are students and this community and creative young leave their mark on the cultural life of the city.
Art lovers have at their disposal several art galleries, theaters and museums. In addition, there are numerous theaters which host concerts, sporting or cultural events. The city is famous bilbesiktning for events such as Halifax Pop Explosion, Symphony Nova Scotia, Atlantic Jazz Festival, Atlantic Film Festival, Multicultural Festival, Greekfest, Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo and others.
Halifax is twinned with three towns in Japan, Mexico and the United States. Japanese Hakodate City was chosen because it has a star-shaped fortress, similar to Citadel Hill. The town of Campeche, Mexico, Halifax has in common is that port city and has a rich historical tradition. Also, both settlements were approximately the same size and are capitals of provinces.
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