Friday, February 27, 2015

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Tirana, 26 June / ATA Flora Nicholas /.- is considered a finding, opening this June in Paris, (France) exhibition with original pretty lights albums drawings Albanian stamps issued in 70-80 years-of, realized at the time of the Zamir Mati (Painter pretty lights albums deserved). The exhibition was opened at Gallery ESPASA 26, the Place Denfert-Rochereau, Paris 14, a beautiful space ALBinfos, in the main square surrounding pretty lights albums known where in the middle of it is devoted to national defense monument of bronze lion, symbol of strength. There are so many series of stamps designed by well-known painter who for more than two decades of living in Paris. They are placed together pretty lights albums in a frame and on a dark background which allows clearly distinguished each series pretty lights albums presented. The topics are diverse, both formats or number of stamps that makes the series. Among them stand out, "monuments of architecture" paid hours Albanian medieval towns, series consisting of six stamps. There are four series for the sport and consisting of four stamps each about. But the famous artist shows in this interview that, among the paintings stamps is "Eagle" picture which has realized inspired by the events of the spring pretty lights albums of Kosovo's youth in 1981. It is a special format 8 cm x 7. 5 cm and is a philatelic value not only of format but although called pretty lights albums block is located in the middle of the series dedicated to works of art representative of Albania. Mat, provides in this interview some of the ways and solutions to Albanian Philately as a national value, artistic and historical.
He says that one of the solutions is to build a comprehensive collection of Albanian Post philatelic its web site where the stamp is placed near each author's name, artist, painter draftsman. He also gives an idea of publishing a catalog with all our Albanian stamps where near seicilës author's name placed painter artist. "It must surely respect the rights of authors not only moral putting their names but also rewarding material under the laws of the rights of authors", underlines Mat adding that, being prepared jointly with the group kites. BLU. SKAY. in September to participate pretty lights albums in the event the Balloon of Dieppe in 2014, where since 1988, through their participation, there were no Albanian balloon colors. Zamir Mat is finished book for children Lilou and Nika at the same time the book ends the album is lined with pencil pretty lights albums shade. But he has also completed a booklet on friendship and resentment among artists which was intertwined with drawings. But the painter's desire is to expose known in Tirana, because as he says, is lacking for years meeting with his lovers and capital where it is grown.
F. N: Mr. Zamir, you have opened recently pretty lights albums in Paris an exhibition of original drawings Albanian postal stamps issued in '70 -'80 years ... A very original findings ... As you realize the idea of this exhibition ...?
PA: More than an original is quite a coincidence that only eight original drawings of two series of postage stamps carried a load of me, among dozens of such and published by the Albanian Post '70 -'80 th years, enrich with a special value collection of works preserved in the fund family. They are being made with Indian ink on paper in A4 format, paper and forms at the time used for mechanical typewriters are very delicate and I kept carefully protected by glass frames and in one corner is set postal stamps realized with the same drawing. At the same time they are always exposed in places where direct or reflected light does not damage. It was the idea of George foundation art lovers who proposed to point out something in the Gallery ESPASA 26, the Place Denfert-Rochereau, Paris 14, a ha

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