Sunday, November 17, 2013

A power could still be much larger if it were backed by appropriate legislation.

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If it is true that not all silver lining, the alarm on gas supplies that is holding apprehensive at this time of frost Italy could lead to at least one positive result. burlap texture Could finally, for example, push the government to the launch of the decrees for the encouragement of biomethane into the grid. A measure that is waiting to be launched by the beauty of 196 days, as reported by the merciless ritardometro of the Kyoto Club.
Even before pushing for the construction of new LNG terminals, whose usefulness in the absence of a national energy plan is somewhat uncertain, it would seem appropriate that the bureaucracy did his duty to allow the potential of biogas to be appreciated in full.
In Italy the end of 2011 there were over 500 biogas plants burlap texture (95% of which are concentrated to the north) with a total capacity of more than 550 MW (in Germany, the leading country in 2008 were about 4 thousand). In 2011, considering both biogas from agricultural waste which ones to dump (the latter according to a study of Legambiente could produce 8 million cubic meters of methane per year), the number of systems installed compared to 2010 increased burlap texture by 13 %, while the power is increased burlap texture by 20%. These, according to an estimate of the CRPA (Animal Production Research Centre) of Reggio Emilia, we must add 100-200 biogas plants under construction that should be completed by the end of 2012.
A power could still be much larger if it were backed by appropriate legislation. "If the law permitted this - says the President of the CIB, the Italian Biogas Consortium, Piero Gattoni - Italy may be able to produce biomethane to meet about 10-20% of current national demand. burlap texture The advantage then of the biogas is converted into biomethane injected into the national grid that can power the storage and be used at times when there is no more need like this. "
"Biomethane - adds Gattoni - energy is valuable, since it is a renewable programmable. E 'obtained from the purification of the biogas produced locally in the biodigester. The great advantage of biomethane is that it is produced burlap texture from a mixture made of dedicated crops and integration, animal waste and agricultural by-products. A mix can produce about 10% of natural gas consumption in the country. burlap texture In the future this percentage could rise to 20% due to the growth of renewable energy. In short, from the earth and from the farms could produce burlap texture food and greater energy independence. "
"In Italy, also - said the president of the Cib - we have an industry with extensive expertise and a law that is more advanced than the German, allowing us the use of biomethane to generate CHP high yield, to produce biofuels and heat . We now await the implementing rules for the connection rules and the incentive system, then we can begin to enter into the gas grid more widespread in Europe a biofuel made in Italy ".
Make dear, you're young and your enthusiasm is the same as I had when I started to do research. If you carefully read the other blogs, is not in question the opportunity to search, but the relationship research / development which is entirely different and makes the difference between a country and a thriving in the economic crisis. It is not only my judgment, on the pages of this newspaper there is an article that deals with the measurement on our EU research system.
Beloved, Research in Italy you can do and I will absolutely not be defeatist indeed! My advice for anyone in research (and still has forces) or want to start to search MUST try to find the finanzamenti in Europe. Tale of two lines in the personal experience of the project of biogas production from algae that I manage. Preparation burlap texture of the draft Biowalk4biofuels the age of 27 for a period of 18 months: NO salary payout of the two steps of the project. The project has been very

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