Sunday, November 10, 2013

Retrain home in terms of energy efficiency, can mean burn during the cold season 50 tons of wood in

Niross, new corporate website or container theme? |
Our planet is an ecosystem independent within a delicate balance of many elements. From the birth of the industrial age have passed a couple of centuries, the advent of mass society and consumption, only a few decades. In this "insignificant" period, compared to geologic time on earth, human civilization has led to the extinction hundreds of animal species, invaded litestructures the territory with billions of cubic meters of concrete, hopelessly polluted vast areas, depleted resources of the planet and put threatening the very survival of the species by grafting the mechanism of destruction of ozone.
The earth, like all systems, it has a point of no return. That is a limit, beyond which it is no longer possible to go back. This limit could already have passed and not know it. There are conflicting opinions on the part of scientists. However, we find that the condition of the motorist about to pass a crossing can not see the red traffic light, because it has blurred vision or because they are careless. Many biomarkers of systemic change of the earth and the scientific world is engaged in the work of information. The problem is that often the admonitions of scholars are ignored by the ruling classes of the nations (cf. "New Limits to Growth" Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Dennis Meadows).
Duty of the public and, therefore, the individual is to know the status of things and act. Seven billion litestructures people, the current population of the earth, are a "critical mass" sufficient to reverse the course of events. And operate within a well-defined logic and environmental perspective it is no longer a whim or a fad.
Retrain home in terms of energy efficiency, can mean burn during the cold season 50 tons of wood instead of 100. Promoting litestructures sustainable transport by bicycle or electric car, maybe feeding it with its own domestic photovoltaic plant (a plant from 4 kWp of about 28 sqm. Well if exposed in central Italy can power two electric cars with annual mileage of about 30,000 km) means cutting down the consumption of fossil fuel, consume less C02, making travel less oil, less build pipelines, and have more active in the national budget. If local governments utilizzassero organic waste recycling litestructures downstream of a well-structured litestructures to produce biogas, you could give electricity to the grid and generate CHP for district litestructures heating of homes, creating wealth, cutting back CO2 and reducing the volumes of waste landfills. litestructures
Niross, civil engineering company that deals with the application of technologies to reduce energy consumption and environmental sustainability with the new site would like to provide an overview of its proposed professional activities and services and, simultaneously, to give visitors thematic content technical reports on the state of the art. In a period in which regulatory updates and continuous scientific research litestructures have immediate impact on the market, provide information, data and observations litestructures from the vantage point of industry experts, manifests the intent to promote the company, and, likewise, want to take part in the change.
November 8, 2013 0 comments
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