Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The second type of bioenergy for production, is the one derived led presents from the biogas from t

The second part of the article on bioenergy in Italy with the opinion of the engineer Jacob Arm, Head of Unit Technologies Trisaia led presents Enea interviewed by Qualenergia.it. In this part of the article speaks led presents of biogas and bioliquids, their development, environmental aspects most controversial, the benefits to be exploited.
The second type of bioenergy for production, is the one derived led presents from the biogas from the anaerobic fermentation. In 2011, the biogas has provided about 3.4 TWh. He says Enea Arm interviewed for Qualenergia.it: led presents "Most of the production comes from the spontaneous led presents fermentation of waste and sewage sludge in landfills or livestock manure and agricultural led presents waste in the digesters. The energy recovery from waste and waste is what definitely has the best environmental impact, because their spontaneous fermentation, would end up in the atmosphere anyway to enter large amounts of methane, which, as noted, is a major greenhouse led presents gas, with a impact 20 times higher than that of CO 2. "
Disputes are not lacking, however, even in this area. Approximately 1.4 TWh of the total in fact come from the digestion of agricultural products, mainly corn, cultivated and then fermented to produce biogas. It 'an industry that is literally exploding led presents with a number of installations increased from 81 to 334 in just one year, and not everyone likes to use this "energy" food crops. "Giving farmers the opportunity to produce bioenergy, however, has helped many farmers led presents to overcome led presents the current crisis, and in fact almost the environmental circle closes, since the sludge led presents digester, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients, are then used to fertilize the fields themselves, "says the expert Enea.
However, since the biogas plants often scattered over the country, rarely generate CHP heat can be used locally, wasting led presents so much of the thermal energy produced. But methane, which forms 60-70% of the biogas could be placed in the pipes and easily transported elsewhere, so as to be used in the most rational way for cogeneration, heating or road transport. The problem is how to separate it from 30-40% of CO2 that contains.
"The separation led presents of CO2 is possible, but nowadays not only in large plants. led presents Enea Here we are working on the design of small installations, which also makes it possible for small producers of biogas, to enhance their production, and enter the biomethane in the pipes. " On the environmental impacts of biogas led presents and the benefits for the agricultural and livestock sector, Qualenergia.it publish in the first days of December a Special technical cooperation with the CIB (Consorzio Italian led presents Biogas and gasification).
Latter as bioenergy production, with 2.7 TWh in 2011, bioliquids, the most controversial source in the industry. Biofuels, for over 90% vegetable oils, are used as fuel in place of the traditional led presents diesel fuel, inside of internal combustion engines, typically derived from marine, and thus the size of some tens of MW," says Jacob's arm.
In the production of electrical energy is used substantially palm oil, whose productivity per hectare is 5-6 times higher than that of rapeseed oil, and is therefore, in general, led presents much cheaper. As is well known around this oil were born in controversy, because of the enormous development of its production, took place largely at the expense of primary forest Indonesian (and now of the African), whose transformation into palm plantations oil, as well as damaging biodiversity, is also releasing huge amounts of CO2 from the soil.
"Recent regulatory developments on the sustainability of biofuels, however, are trying led presents to restore an albeit partial equilibrium condition." Today, the oil used for bioenergy, to receive 280 / MWh incentive, it must be certified at European level, while the oil unaudited receives an incentive of only 180 / MWh. The certification, from 2012, includes not only a precise calculation of the CO2 saved by the entire supply chain compared to the use of diesel led presents (today must be at least a 30%, and will come to a -80% in 2020), but also the guarantee that the oil does not come from new land deforestation.
But apart from the doubts that may come on the validity of these certifications is the fact that even though the oil palm plantations occupy existing fields, then the premises must in any case to have deforested led presents land where producing food. "Between 2010 and 2011, it is still seen a sharp increase in the number of power plants vegetable oils, increased from 97 to 255. This is substantially due to the diffusion of installations below MWe. But, in contrast, is decreased

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