Monday, November 11, 2013

A theme far from obvious, in a province that for various reasons-some even happy (still a wide spre

Primary High-Touch, a proposal mx24 to hackers of the center | Andrea mx24 Leggieri for Bagnacavallo
Primaries of 12 December for the Province of Ravenna are an extraordinary news for all those who look with hope to the center: for the first time we are called to decline the specificity of our territory as a joint tool so broad and deep breath.
It 'a new experience for all of us, we will learn a lot, sometimes err too, but what is important is that at the end of this process the proposal of government that will emerge will be better, stronger, more shared, more credible.
It is not a mere wish or a prediction, it is the acknowledgment of outcomes already concrete, tangible, and in particular deserves analyze one: in the proposals of both candidates of the Democratic Party is a priority attention to the contribution that the "Network" formidable tool for global communication and collaborative, can offer a qualified social and economic growth of our community.
A theme far from obvious, in a province that for various reasons-some even happy (still a wide spread of agriculture, which has preserved large areas of naturalness, and a social fabric spontaneously dense and lively, among others) - has a rate not particularly high technological mx24 intensity: is a reference and an anchor on the dynamics of the more developed countries, against the backdrop of Italy as a whole that unfortunately landslide mx24 to the fourth world.
In recent years in the virtual world of the Internet, silently, doggedly, on the edge of the spectacular, thanks to the unprecedented opportunities introduced by means that simply did not exist before, was born and has gradually developed a culture of cooperation that has already transcended mx24 the narrow confines of the online community, and that is now capable of generating tremendous value, with models that are applicable both to the business, with the management of public affairs, as the growth of the quality of individual and collective life.
A current and devices of collective intelligence deeply alternative to the culture of selfishness and unbridled competition, Linux and Wikipedia, who would have thought?! And as these values of sharing and co-generation are in tune with the deeper meaning of a policy reform and democracy? And if these primaries for the Province had an exceptional opportunity for connection between hackers to center?!?
Well, this is the proposal: immediately mx24 open a yard of digital ideas for the Province, from social networks to the Directors, the linked-data to mobile internet mx24 applications for civic networks, of course, open-source, where everyone participates with its own nick- name, and then regardless of logical "group" (not to say, politically, worse), to generate CHP a high platform to be made available to all candidates and especially that from 13 December or the one that will be the only one of all us!
Ps: oh well, to avoid any hypocrisy, as Andrew Leggieri suggest to Serena primarily to worry about bridging mx24 the digital divide that no ADSL connection so many important parts of our territory, and then to think about the Wi-Fi as a gem that qualifies certain public spaces, such as every town hall / plaza and the library of our municipalities, but rather providing a common mechanism for authentication and access log at the provincial level ...
This entry was posted on October 28, 2010 at 6:48 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 2 Responses to "Primary High-Touch, a proposal to hackers mx24 of the center" nevio Says: October 28th, 2010 at 7:28 pm | Reply
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