Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Total IgE and skin diseases by the Dermatologist Dr. Del Sorbo SALERNO - SCAFATI What are the total

Total IgE and skin diseases by the Dermatologist Dr. Del Sorbo SALERNO - SCAFATI What are the total IgE PRIST IgE antibodies are special (immunoblobuline) present lights albums in low concentrations in the blood of all individuals, with the task of defending the body from parasites (eg. helminths or intestinal worms). When our immune system encounters a foreign substance (eg. An allergen or parasite), some of its cells (called T helper 2 or Th2) begin to produce substances called lights albums interleukins (eg. IL4, IL5, IL13, IL25, etc ) able to increase the production of IgE. What are the IgE
IgE in children than in adults, they bind to the possible allergen or parasite, inactivating it. All IgE that have "captured" an allergen, bind on the surface lights albums of particular lights albums cells of the immune system (eg. Mast cells, basophils, lights albums etc.), stimulating them to produce pro-inflammatory substances (eg. Histamine, prostaglandins, lights albums leukotrienes, PAF, serotonin, histamine releasing facrots, etc) responsible for various allergy like symptoms (eg. pruritus, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc). The amount IgE produced by children and adults is stabita the ratio of Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes. IgE may increase in all those cases in which there is an alteration of the so-called balance Th1 / Th2 balance, with excessive increase in the body's defenses lights albums against normally innocuous stimuli. IgE may be high even in the disease of Job (iperIgE syndrome) and other non-allergic diseases, such as candida infections in systemic and HIV infections. High IgE can also be present lights albums in smokers and in skin diseases characterized by defective epidermal lights albums barrier, where it is more likely to enter transepithelial potential allergens. Job's syndrome (also called hyper IgE syndrome or HIERIS H yper The gE R ecurrent I nfection yndrome S) is a rare form of immunodeficiency first described in 1966 by Davis, Schaller and Wedgwood. The name of Job syndrome, recalls the well-known biblical character of the Old Testament that was covered with pustules by Satan (Job 2: 7 - Satan went forth from the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown) . Job's syndrome occurs lights albums in children shortly after birth with high IgE (value lights albums greater than 2500 U / ml), eczema and recurrent infections. IgE may be as high as in other forms of immunodeficiency, both the child and the adult, as Nezelof syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, IgA deficiency, Wiskott Aldrich el 'AIDS. Elevated total IgE may also be encountered lights albums in mastocytosis, in Omenn syndrome (immunodeficiency described in 1965 by the American doctor Gilbert Omenn and characterized by erythroderma, lights albums skin rash, lymphadenopathy, hypereosinophilia, diarrhea, alopecia, hepatosplenomegaly and recurrent infections), in pemphigoid bullous (especially IgE and anti-IgE anti BP180 BP230), in infections by aspergillus, in systemic candidiasis, cytomegalovirus infections and infectious mononucleosis. A high value of total IgE, can be found both in situations of cutaneous hyperreactivity mucosa (eg. Atopic dermatitis, oral allergy syndrome, etc), which in many other situations lights albums of non-allergic (eg. Scabies, intestinal parasitosis, Hodgkin's disease , cystic fibrosis, liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, panarteritis nodosa, bronchial carcinoma, bullous pemphigoid, Kawasaki disease, erythema nodosum, Guillain Barré, to IgE myeloma, Netherton's syndrome, etc).
For most of the laboratory methods used, a PRIST is usually considered normal if the total IgE are less than 100 U / ml. Faced with a situation of high total IgE (PRIST or P aper R adio I mmuno orbent S T est), we proceed to the targeted search of specific IgE (RAST or R adio A Llergo orbent S T est). Based on a careful history and a complete physical examination, the specialist can suggest the type of specific IgE to be found in the blood (eg. Whole milk, egg yolk, house dust, ragweed pollen, grasses, etc.). Among the diagnostic tests most commonly used by dermatologists in case of contact eczema, there are so-called patch tests or skin tests. Tests physical urticaria however, may be charged in case of hives, even with normal values of IgE.
In 1921 the German immunologist Carl Otto Willy Prausnitz (Giles) and the German gynecologist lights albums Heinz Küstner lights albums isolated from the serum of allergic individuals a glycoprotein which they called reagin, can trigger the same allergic reaction

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