Saturday, December 6, 2014

We went to the tomb. There is an inscription thought. Ugadhi dug the ground yet, those Syapa raw Ge

Mahmoud Darwish recalled today presented to them on the first anniversary of the famous British art critic John Berger's article writer. Original English article American literary journal led art The Threepenny Review, "was published in the summer issue.
The future Palestinian state was just understood that there is now the world's largest prison (Gaza) and the world's led art largest inn (the West Bank) is. A few days after returning from there I saw a dream.
Stony desert with her body in the waist, I stood alone. led art After all the dust raised by any other tossed on my chest. It was aggressive but accommodatingly led art task. Before touching the soil or gravel Chithdon I turned them were probably cotton. And they were rags wrapped around my body. Then they return to pieces again and the word became sentence. Words and sentences which were written by me but by the place.
Recalling that dream has invented the term 'Thlbuhara "I came in mind. Repeatedly. Thlbuhara called that place or places where everything, led art both material and immaterial, has been washed, were annexed, led art has been deleted, the squeeze is taken to be blown. Everything except the touchable earth.
Ramallah on the west side of a small hill on the outskirts of Al Rbve's name; The mountain is located at the mouth of Tokyo Street. Poet Mahmoud Darwish are buried at the top of the hill. It is not a cemetery.
The road that leads to the city's Cultural Center, which is made in the bottom of the hill. Tokyo's name is placed on the road because it is made with the funding from Japan Center.
Darwish was the last time you read his poems in the Centre. Although he had no idea at the time that it would be the last chance. In moments of desolation "last" phrase what are considered?
We went to the tomb. There is an inscription thought. Ugadhi dug the ground yet, those Syapa raw Geh on the grave

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