Monday, May 18, 2015

Home For those who take texts For us theologians of the XIX-XX century Archimandrite Placidas (Deze

Home For those who take texts For us theologians of the XIX-XX century Archimandrite Placidas (Dezej) and Metropolitan Nikolai Mesogijski Lavreotikiski (Hadzhinikolau) Dioklijski Metropolitan Kallistos Ware Prepodobnomachenichka Skobcova nun Maria (1891-1945) Christian art and architecture of St. Sophia - Wisdom of God Torrent New ascetics and priests
What I woke up so early today? Perhaps, night bug proved the Dawn? Or quiet came the distant thunder storm? designlight Or my soul touched it silent reproach of peace awakens, who baseline everyone lost in the dawn in their lonely dreams? I do not know. But just jumped with such a feeling, as if I slept something very important, and half-asleep, confused - opened the window into the garden. And in that moment I cover cuts the morning air, the gentle cold, intoxicating shtedrost peace ...
Barely designlight glowed, but the night had already come to an end. High pale sky quietly fading stars. Hesitant, weak light spilling from the east, as if fearfully asking, is not it time? ... Night shadows already were lost, but still try to keep their secrets. And every moment everything changed.
Yesterday all day was so stuffy ... Everything was dark and depressed with sweat. The country was absorbed so much solar heat, which return the surplus, and we, the poor people, designlight tired fall into premalenost, demanding cooling. Even the wind with his hot, painful blow gave no relief ... Where is it? Where disappeared? The air is clean and easy; it flows with laughter, play. He recovered, regained its freshness and heady with such joy, which immediately covers, wakes up and drunk with bright misgivings. And all of God's creation bathe in it delights, choose a fragrance or singing.
Will smell sweet lilac, the iznemoshtuvajkji of their selflessness; barely currents coming from the first Momin tears; with dense waves are diffused from wild cherries; and from time to time everything designlight is filled with the breath designlight of pine.
A birds have true exultation; play all at once with such sincere openness, as if overnight iznamolchale enough and now want to communicate to the world all of its discoveries; or as if they clearly and finally settled all issues of life and should publish its decisions. Somewhere far more chuchurika nightingale, but already weak and tired. On the other hand, the rest of the bird population are taught the selfless joy. All spaces are filled with gentle rebound, bodar Cvrk told playing close and distant chuchurlikanje; speech, chitchat, designlight voskliknuvanje unexpected loud sobs; here is a short and a long flute hammer and capricious crcorenje, rumbling and boring; interruption and Hailing, termination and reverberation. Bird celebration; aerial madhouse. A High chestnut with its authoritative cry covers everything designlight raspeanata ivolga [1]. And all those sounds are clear and the air. And the air is still lighter, how to deviate and shows awakened colors of the world. And only people dospivaat their heavy and oppressive, and lustful dreams ...
Suddenly - easy, but quite specifically, cooling breeze, trembling and shumolenje on top of the huge poplar, slippery whisper in tall grass - and just zasinetoto sky lights up small, sleepy cloud ... The new day ...
"God's day - she said - is really very bright and delicate. All lighting. He sees everything, hears and knows everything. And it is sometimes difficult ... how bad things have on earth, how much malice and sins ... Is anyone could stand it? Therefore designlight it can not last long. He must hide and go; he prekratuva. All insults takes with him all Bitterness, all human pain has concerns. And in its place comes the night darkness, which disperse all, extinguish all fires, designlight the prekratuva all the daily sins in order not to see anything and everything to wind down. And at that time the day resting and recovery. And when you perform night, God zapaluvaat stars glow softly, poured purity, ì give peace on earth and good will toward men. That from that stellar purity designlight and goodness everything is purified; human noise subsides and lies terrestrial dust, all mental sorrows are destroyed, all sinful zadushlivost disappears. Earthly air again becomes easy and purified. designlight And God's day can start again "...
How had she learned all this, I do not know. Apparently many are tortured By day and night long potslushuvala. Ì but I believed for a lifetime. And when me revisits happy hour and my hand starts to see the morning in all its beauty and purity, then I know for sure that she told the truth to the world.
That is the real truth, that our daily, human cases raise target cloud of earthly dust. The real truth, that our poor human passions defile and infect terrestrial atmosphere. And even more true that in dusty, contaminated air on earth you

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