Saturday, May 9, 2015

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We completed the upgrade of the lights in the painting workshop. Ceiling lights before the renewal of the OSRAM color is 840, which means that they have a color temperature of 4000 Kelvin, high fidelity color spectrum is 80%. It is the most common and frequent light for workspaces. The camera has set the white balance to the light of day, which causes an orange tint photos. The room is darkened with pastel curtains, light is cloudy, it is not strong landlite in the window in the background is visible. Photo light of these night lights: New lights or. light bulb in the painting studio with a color temperature between 5000 and 6500 Kelvin, which is very close to the temperature of sunlight. They are the kind of "full-spectrum fluorescent light" with the ability to color reproduction range between 95% and 98%. Set in white on the camera is the same as before. Photography with the same light at night: These lights have been developed in order to maximize the approximate quality of sunlight and its beneficial impact on your life. We are currently testing three similar types of bulbs. The first - vertical lights in the photos: the American manufacturer "TRUELIGHT" were purchased in Austria. These lights have been developed for the US space agency NASA - the missiles and submarines. Specificity of these lamps is the fact that approximately 1% of the light is emitted landlite in the invisible ultraviolet part of the light spectrum, which is required for the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. Price almost 30 each. Due to the high price I was looking for alternatives. I found two OSRAM lights, but unfortunately not available in other sizes of light bulbs. These are OSRAM BIOLUX recommended by the lighting of small animals. The studio lights are closer to the window are slightly bluish. The other two are OSRAM COLOR PROOF, more lights in the middle of the room, slightly red, this is no UV light. Osram BIOLUX the same light SYLVANIA ACTIVA 172, recommended by the manufacturer as an anti-depressive light in the winter months. and Sylvania-Activa-172.html # description For lights such rule is that, because of the more complex mixture of gases and phosphorus that make up the complex and more pleasant luminous flux, reduced efficiency or brightness than conventional neon, illuminated only two or three very narrow wavelengths - the strong "Spice". Manufacturer NARVA (former East Germany) has in the program Light-BIO VITAL, all sizes, even that which is in the museum on the ceiling (T5 - 24W, 549mm). According to the between these lights Narva maximum brightness, which means that the quality probably slightly landlite worse than the True-light and Biolux. It is this light supplied landlite here and immediately, affordable and certainly better than any other alternatives ... except landlite for the following. On the Internet I found the original, the first lamp of its kind, which was to order the first researcher of the biological impact of light on plants and animals ( developed in America and is now known as " Viva-lite ". landlite This company does not have a representative in Slovenia, but our lights can be sent from abroad. Preposlal I have Slovenian price Narva lights were landed, that we are selling at the same price, which is only a third of their normal retail price of the EU. They asked me that that price does not speak in public. landlite They are the only manufacturer that is scientifically and methodologically measure the positive effects of light in schools - measured up to 15% progress landlite in the learning performance of children. Links to research on their side:, articles: Probably at this price have to add the cost of postage from EU. Price individual NARVA / Viva-Lite bulb is around landlite 7 (free shipping). NARVA Bio Vital LOGIN BV sold the company doo Komenda Prices for Osram, I have company from EC lighting doo Ljubljana and for BIOLUX slightly above 7, for COLOR PROOF at around 14. This entry was posted in Unlisted. Add a bookmark to a lasting connection.
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