Friday, May 15, 2015

Neminliva night. So shriveled soul hope, that hope no longer even noticed. Street light, white-yell

Neminliva night. So shriveled soul hope, that hope no longer even noticed. Street light, white-yellow lights who waste energy. - Well, not even detected by the endless darkness, 4 way switch diagram skilfully lurking over you. Just know that it has, there are means light. For a moment, take a look in the distance, and there really would see a star fall. Surely she is sad, you wonder. Jealous of the day, which adorns the light nights harder pass. How to dmazduvaat oh and do not allow re blew new light tomorrow. And so they revile countless items that morning and I plan to be hopeless. Distracted in thought, this de - de whatsoever. For a moment, you naprevaruvash his pride, and immediately momentarily disappear inside 4 way switch diagram it and proceed in defiance of the will of the heart, right or wrong, has already happened. Just come to the point decide to stop fighting, 4 way switch diagram to depart the country and be in the role of spectator. But come on, recover and do it. I can not. The picture 4 way switch diagram is not involved with the role of publikant, 4 way switch diagram the role of an ordinary viewer nothing can change. You can not explain myself, to see the reality and even less to reconcile with her. And so it is clear when a by'd seen it. It all confused, out of the skin temper, turned over on the floor, in the chase in the head, in vain looking for ways to escape from everything. For the moment, assure 4 way switch diagram that it is not, you want to do so, but only for a moment. Since so hopeless things, you find yourself with ... "ah, we do not know where," all motionless, his eyes than a point, do not see anything, and actually do not see any point in that location. Midnight long gone, and the dream still knocking on doors. And I said long last night. It foretell for many more developments until tomorrow to penetrate the first beam. But nothing happened ..

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