Saturday, May 16, 2015

Immediately after the first born son of Mary and the three wise men arrived from the east in which

Today is Christmas - Christmas |
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Christ's name is a translation of the Jewish Messiah, which means Christ. The Messiah, the Christ, the people were promised since the time of Adam. For him many Jewish prophets tiella prophesied, and his appearance at that time expected and many other nations. Prophets foretold it as the time when you are born, and the place Bethlehem. In this small town in Judea, modern Israel was born Jesus who is called Christ, ie Anointed, and he was fulfilling the prophecy. Later it was discovered and became known worldwide beyond reason theantropic secret of his personality. Jesus Christ humanity give her strength and power to defeat sin and death. Therefore we call Christ the savior. Moreover, the entry of God in history marked the beginning of discovering all the secrets and the joy of eternal life.
Christmas is one of the biggest Christian holidays, because on that day we celebrate the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ. How this day is important for humanity is seen in that he has taken a key date, the cornerstone, to calculate the time, so we have the old and new era which means time before and after the birth of Jesus Christ.
This holiday is called the matrix tiella of more holidays because this was not a holiday, that means not Rodel Jesus Christ would not have nor his baptism, tiella (meaning it has no feast of Epiphany), would not have any Crucifixion and Resurrection (Easter ) nor Ascension (Ascension), would not there any holidays Pentecost, Transfiguration etc. Holy Cross.
The Gospels testify that the Roman Emperor Augustus ordered to conduct a census in the Empire. Everyone should be registered in the city of their grandfathers. Palestine was then under the Roman Empire and therefore righteous Joseph and Mary went from Nazeret to enroll in Bethlehem tiella because they were of the genus David. When they arrived in Bethlehem there was no room for them in taverns and houses because the town had many people come for the census. Some good people wanting to help them headed in a cave near the city where the shepherds in the storm shelter sheep and goats. Night glare fulfilled cave and surrounding hills, then Mary gave birth to her firstborn son, wrapped him and put in the manger. The strong light from the scared and the shepherds with their flocks outdoors nokjevale the surrounding hills, but then immediately the angel of the Lord comfort them and warned them by calling them the good news: "Do not be afraid! Here, you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people; because today he is born in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; and here's your sign: You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. " Immediately afterwards the chorus of Angels sang the song: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2/14) Pastors immediately rushed tiella into the cave where they found Mary and Joseph with the God-child, tiella he bow, then through the town advertise the birth of the Savior.
So, in addition to Mary and Joseph, the first God-child worshiped shepherds. That they have the angel of the Lord they announced news that was born the Savior tiella of the world. Pastors were privileged first to hear the news because they were closest to the cave of Bethlehem. "According to the Holy Fathers, it happened for many reasons. First, because of the purity of the shepherds acquired through their otshelnishtvo and stillness. Second, because the shepherds were podrazhavateli and followers of life and the virtues of the Old Testament patriarchs. So the shepherds were not random figures. Third, to show that Christ is the true shepherd of Israel and mnogubozhechkiot people. Fourth, to announce clearly that Christ chose the simplest of heart and najpriemchivite tiella to receive this revelation, not crafty tiella booklets and Pharisees. All this shows the way that everyone tiella can use to experience the mystery of Revelation. "
Immediately after the first born son of Mary and the three wise men arrived from the east in which the birth of their Saviour announced an unusual star in the sky and which brought them to the cave before moving them when they went to and which they stood when resting. tiella "And once they entered the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him; and when he opened his trunk, offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. "(Matthew 2/11) These gifts should foretold tiella that the newborn child is at the same time man (Izmir), God (Lebanon-incense) and King ( gold). So, before God-child first bow pro

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