Once a year I have a "THIRTY DAYS PROJECT". The 1st August break. No reason right now. Merely happens once a year; happen now is as good time as any other time. And if I remember our Formatio group, it may be the "perfect" time: winter quite opgaartyd (albeit the extra roll around the body because early morning rise too challenging). A good friend and I had a few years ago with the project. Meanwhile, it has grown to a handful of friends. direct led (Probably because we know if we have to do it on our own, stopping a person easily, as soon as you get to Day 15 and you give away now not as "convenient".) direct led The question is what this is all about, we need to "Light Live". The process of cleaning a "binnereiniging". It is a revaluation of my value system. Why I have what I have? Which of my possessions possess me? It's much more about "waking up" to which I am a prisoner ... Sometimes it is a painful exercise to ask yourself, what are you willing to give away today? If you walk quietly through your home would look at each item, ask yourself, What you will really easy to get rid of? Why you will easily be able to say goodbye? It has something to do with the value of the article? direct led Perhaps the easy substitutability? Have to make it that you have no emotional value to it? Yes, there are indeed good that we easily get rid of the question is why? What is it? Why are not you bound it. What you will be really hard to get rid of? Be honest in this exercise. Is it because there is a "story" came with the possession? Pet you have a piece of history? How much of your ego is tied to that possession of you? What will happen to you as someone that possession of your break, or steal? Imagine for a moment that you choose that possession of your day to someone, who would it be? Why do you choose that person? Could it be that you still control the possession would have, based on who the new owner should be your choice? It's necessary for me to remind myself that nothing I have is truly "mine". So I take as much of my own greed-to-own farewell, as I practice the discipline of generosity. How does it work? This is really a practice of Regula to choose what is important to me. No, I can unfortunately not deceive myself by giving away a book every day (surely I have more than 30 books which I have every day, bit by bit, would be able to give away, and then I would have still had too much). But it was not so easy! We limit ourselves to certain direct led guidelines: one day was a day to give away clothes; someday books; one day linen, kitchen one day articles, and so on. In the beginning it was easy ... later it became heavier. We also talk to each other about why we are on a day made a particular choice for something, because direct led sometimes simultaneously direct led helped to say goodbye to something that is of value to us, but sometimes as an encouragement to each other encouraged to "head to take". These days, when I buy something, I have something else in its place take out of my house. I am a bibliophile! I once realized that I or new bookcases direct led have to buy or I'll books to pass to others. Now I have a single bookshelf in my study. That is my bookshelf, nothing more! This implies that I should get generous with what I have for my bookshelf can no longer wear than at present .... Here's direct led how it works in my house with the purchase of clothing ... something in the hands of another, than buying something new. And I can think of no better time than now in these last winter month for me to tackle Thirty Days Project. direct led This is the best time for a rhythm Light Lives in practice, before a new season starts.
2013 (20) August (4) July (3) Light Live - a religious discipline on the way to a new s ... MY fireplace - MY PRAYER fireplace SPIRITUALITY May (1) April (4) March (3) February (5) 2011 (31) July (2) June (5) May (7) April (3 ) March (8) February direct led (6)
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced Rhythms of grace. I will not lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company direct led with me and you'll learn to live freely and ligtly direct led "Jesus in Matthew 11:28 (MSG)
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