Saturday, October 26, 2013

The world is different today. There is no discipline like in the old days anymore. Our people have

Matthew 5:17-20 but stop at the orange light, the red one is on its way - Crossroads | The Word in today's words
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The heading in the Faith in Action Bible, asking: "Should Christians keep the law?" This is quite a very topical question. We live in a life where the motto "Everything goes" common. We are so nice that we make room for everyone. No matter how strange or weird. If you do not fit me, it does not matter, we will create a place where you can fit. And just so we make the circle bigger and everyone is happy. But at the cost of which we do it? Allow us some of the things at the expense of the law of God? Immediately I hear people say that Jesus came and the law of God in a different light. This is not exactly scanlight so for us as it is for the people of the Old Testament applied. However, the reasoning here is very watery.
Hear Jesus' view on this: 17 "Do not think I'm here to keep the law of Moses and the prophets to abolish. Not at all! I'm just here so that you will know exactly how you must obey the law. Very simple. The law of God is still the starting point. Still the law of God and the guidance for each person on earth. If you still want to know what is right and what is wrong, you have to turn to the law of God and follow. Within the law, there is definitely no place for everything goes. There are no open spaces where we as people can plug things only evil and we must be right now.
The world is different today. There is no discipline like in the old days anymore. Our people have no respect for rules and regulations. We simply buckle it or ignore it. Just look how many stops and orange lights chasing you. How many speeding tickets is in your 13th file? I know there are a pile in my file. But Jesus here and now sit a stop sign in our way. God's law alone. God's law for each of our lives and this is the line in which each of us one day will be measured. Jesus was adamant about it: 19 "If you dare to ignore one of the provisions in the law, however scanlight insignificant it may be, you are in big trouble with God. Would you be in trouble with God? For sure! Then you make sure you are not one of the requirements of the law. If so, when you see the orange light, hitting anchors for the red light on his heels. scanlight We do not go through life with blinders. Nor should we play the devil's doorstep, because the chance that you're going to go, is very large. We should rather re-read the law of God and make sure that we live within the guidelines of the law. If we may live somewhere very close to the margin, we need to make changes so that we are sure our lives as God wants.
A person now feels sure pulled a bit in the mouth and yes, it's not nice to be on the wrist, but we really try our best to the requirements of God, through Jesus confirmed to heart to take. Yes, we know that Jesus is for us the gates of heaven scanlight oopgesterf. Yet we are also required to meet the requirements of God. It is part of the same package. If we do, we will take part in a wonderful destination: 19 ... if you do everything the law says and other people learn exactly the same as you do, you will definitely find a place in God's kingdom scanlight .
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