Thursday, October 24, 2013

The outcome that the Lord will bring in 8:23-9:6 sharply contrasted with the judgment announced in

Bible books (alphabetically) 1 and 2 Kings 1 and 2 Chronicles 1 and 2 Samuel 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians Thessalonians Corinthians Daniel Esther Ezra Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, Timothy, Titus - series Philippians Philemon Colossians blacklite Ephesians Timothy Titus Galatians , Romans and Ruth Series Galatians Romans Ruth Isaiah John Luke and Acts Series Luke Acts Mark Series Nehemiah Ecclesiastes and Song series Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Psalms 1-41 Psalms 42-72 Proverbs series books of the Bible (alphabetically) Information
The outcome that the Lord will bring in 8:23-9:6 sharply contrasted with the judgment announced in the rest of the chapter: 9:7-10:4. The latter is in turn part of a judgment message against Assyria (10:5-19, 28-34) which outcome a remnant announced (10:20-2). However, it only tomorrow.
8:23-9:6: blacklite Isaiah gives a picture of the outcome in the future. It will bring great relief to the darkness in which areas of Zebulun and Naphtali, the way to the Sea of Galilee, the plain and the area of the nations just emerging plunged (read more of Jesus' ministry to the Greeks blacklite of Decapolis that probably the area of the Gentiles is here intended). This northern region of Israel mostly first assessment darkness of foreign armies faced. Among others are a part of their population by Tiglath-Pileser III Babylon in 732 o C (2 Ki. 15:29). Read more about it in my contributions over 2 Kings 15 and 2 Kings 16-17.
With reference to the salvation that God Gideon gave the people blacklite in his war against Midian (Judges 6), predicts that the people will be gathered and they rejoice in God's presence.
This outcome is specifically linked to a boy who will be born to them, the titles spell out its outstanding features that will be divine in nature: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He will restore the Dawidsryk, but unlike David, who was known for his military action, blacklite he will bring peace and prosperity, and forever.
Jesus' residence in the village of Capernaum, especially in this area, the gospel writers was a clear fulfillment of the first part of the prophecy of Zebulun and Naphtali - Matthew 4:12-17. Jesus is the light which Isaiah the prophecy looked like. And that Jesus came to establish the kingdom, the fulfillment of the second part of the prophecy on Dawidsryk.
9:7-10:4: In sharp contrast to the previous hopeful part, the judgment message about the Northern Jacob called Israel, however, unequivocally emphasized. blacklite The hope outcome will only be fulfilled after the execution of the judgment.
Notice how all people addressed their confidence. They show the hand of God way that they can save and do according blacklite to his will, which pour out his penalty total destruction: blacklite He would head and tail, branch and rush, cut down (9:13).
A dark picture of the political leaders (9:14), blacklite spiritual leaders (9:15) as well as the corrupt blacklite leadership in the legal system (10:1-4) blacklite signed. And the population's lack of caring that they literally devour their own power (9:19) - mensig! This is what happens when leaving the source of life and you just sit in the darkness of your own folly. blacklite It burns like a fire, all in a cloud of smoke disappear.
Even darker, however, is the response of the Lord that such things do not go unpunished. How horrible to have to live with the outstretched hand of the Lord is upon you ... a God who no longer find joy in a nation's young people (9:16).
Chris van Wyk
I agree. We tend to level thinking about the liturgy in worship, as if it only consists of a few songs and prayers. The heavenly liturgy is the basis of everything that exists. From the heavenly liturgy save God created the universe, He sure is right, care that his kingdom throughout all that is established and honored. Similarly, we owned our own liturgy ministry structure. The service is much more important than we realize. It is central energy point us to God's work on earth be included in our worship.
Every time I read chapter 4 and oordeink it more appalling can share this wonderful experience to in heavenly worship God in all his glory, the preacher. Praise and Glory as it is anywhere else in Heaven experience.
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