Thursday, February 20, 2014

Here, dear brothers and sisters, those who believe in Christ are in the conditions of those Jews, C

"You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world." These words Jesus addressed to all of us and each of us, not just me who am a priest, but to all of you here at the church. Jesus does not say "you", but you're already today. And 'the sp41 vocation of all the baptized: living the Gospel, we are the salt and light in the world of human society so insipid, sp41 so empty. Three thoughts:
1) They thank God for the greatness and beauty and nobility of our vocation. Whatever we do in life, we all humble role in society, we are all faced by the call of Jesus! In God's eyes we are all the important people, we must have high ideals, great desires, propose broad horizons. Let us not impoverish, in the grind of daily life, the little things that happen to us, by rumors and gossip from unnecessary curiosity.
Each day passes quickly with his labors, his joys and sorrows. But our life does not end here: the Christian has a great mission, Baptism consecrated us to a mission: to bear witness to Jesus with our lives!
In today's sp41 first reading, the prophet Isaiah denounced the observant jew, who made his fasts, paid tithes to the temple and prayed, reading the psalms, but then it was stingy, closed in on itself and his family, he spoke ill of others and he had no pity for the poor. God says through Isaiah: "If you offer your food to the hungry, if you will console the afflicted soul, your light will shine in the darkness, the sun illuminate the darkness of your life." We are not bright with the doctrine or the words, but with the good works we do. Jesus said so: ".... for you to know your good works and glorify your Father sp41 who is in Heaven."
Here, dear brothers and sisters, those who believe in Christ are in the conditions of those Jews, Christians think they are good, they judge others, but they themselves are still in the dark of night. I ask myself: my life illuminates the others? What are my good works today? They live an authentic Christian or Christianity as a tired habit? Jesus is my first love, or is in the second or third row?
2) Second reflection. In front of the great commitment sp41 that God asks us to be salt of the earth and light of the world, we all feel small, sp41 powerless, weak, sinners. How are we to be the light of the world and salt of the earth, when every day we are to be immersed in our weaknesses?
This consciousness of our weakness and insufficiency should not keep us in humility and let us assume an attitude of being judged by others, divide the next good or bad, because only God judges us, and we still have to make a long journey of purification to be true "imitators of Christ. "
However, the consciousness sp41 of our weakness should not bring us down, discouraged, because God chose us not because we are good and holy than others, but just to have a weak subject and manifest his power through him.
Pope Francis said Wise words indeed, to learn by heart: "I am worth little and little into account, I am a sinful man, but I speak on behalf dl Christ and this is my strength." He spoke to the Pope, in one of his daily predichette in Santa Marta, and I speak as a priest, all ye baptized and confirmed by
3) Today's Gospel gives us the deep sense of Christian identity. Christianity is not an individual matter, but it's Community. Each of us is not only light in their own family or close circle of family and friends, but at least our Italian and then in Europe and also worldwide.
The words of Jesus we must live in Europe and in Italy. Benedict XVI said today that the number one problem of the West is anthropological: we no longer know who is the man, his family, his life. In the European Parliament and in various sp41 European countries, pass laws against nature and contrary to the Gospel: abortion, divorce, euthanasia, "quick divorce" (in Spain 15 days enough for divorce), gay marriage, change inm ge de, lluomo to have cloned men, manufactured in the laboratory as animals. In Europe and in Italy, there are several newspapers, political parties, cultural and political trends, which support laws that a Christian can not approve.
On February 6, Spain was opened a judicial inquiry against Msgr. Fernando sp41 Sebastian Aguilar, 84, has announced sp41 that Pope Francis as a cardinal in the consistory of 22 February. It 'a theologian, much esteemed by Pope Bergoglio, that Aguilar sp41 in 1006 was proclaimed "student".
The theologian in an interview to a newspaper, commenting on the Pope's words about homosexuals, he said: "Francis sp41 demonstrates" respect and esteem for all people, sp41 but does not change sp41 the traditional teaching of the Church. One thing is manifest sp41 warmth and affection to a homosexual person and other

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