Saturday, February 22, 2014

On Sunday it was a clear yes relaxed atmosphere, wonderful!

Hello Con held on the Sunday break light after the tea party, which had an appropriate reason to use a new hat and the AP's Cat's Tea Partya. Astoria, where the tea party was held, was a cozy place, and the great hall was great to keep the tea party - although the lighting Astoria was taking pictures of the poor for a long time and I got räpeltää primitive image-editing program before I got at least some of the images out of the jaundice. But the same it, I admit I enjoyed the tea party almost more than the actual main event on Saturday. In contrast to the Con, tea party no-one was in a hurry and was much nicer way to talk with other people, accompanied by Lolita - likely the second one if the stress was relieved. break light On the whole, the whole weekend was great, I greatly enjoy Hello Con's atmosphere and, above all, moved that I knew I was constantly surrounded by people who share the same love with lace and ruffles.
On Sunday it was a clear yes relaxed atmosphere, wonderful! <3 already fantastic, Finland's first really big "official" Tea Party! break light : D .. and again crave kissamekkoa! x) In other respects very suitable for an elegant tea party outfit, beautiful. ^ ^ ~ ~ Frillycakes Delete
I meant to say that the Sulle insanely gorgeous outfit but I was so head around the bike all the beauty that I went to just lock: D I'm saying now: Really nice outfit break light and a fabulous hat <3 Great Tea Party anyway, it was wonderful to see röyhelökanssaa and admire the dresses <3 All of them were so beautiful and nice. A wonderfully relaxed atmosphere. Delete
2014 (6) February (3) (otsikoton a summary of recent weeks) Hellocon 2014 tea party Hellocon 2014 January (3) 2013 (71) December (4) November (5) October (3) September ( 6) September break light (8) November (8) June (7) May (7) November (8) September (8) February (7)

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