Friday, February 21, 2014

In the current economic situation in our province who lives must be so ottinismo and vivid imaginat

Another difficult year, I would say with tears and blood for our area, it was concluded. I do not want to be pessimistic, it is not my custom, in saying that it is useless now be hoping for a better new year. Nothing and I mean nothing, at the moment, there is hope for a recovery in Italy nor in the city. We are left with fewer jobs, with more becoming laid off (despite themselves) a real burden to society that works and kept away from the world of production, melanie watt should be launched melanie watt in a new and innovative formula to allow a true reintegration of these workers with an adjacent reorganization Tax-bureaucratic that currently is blocking the country. The poverty that is being felt is generating widespread protests, even in the city, in my opinion undervalued by the rulers. We are going to face a 2014 with the sole hope of survival and well, honestly, melanie watt it becomes hard for all of us: the revitalization of the area often talked about for years, but it never happens. The hope is to keep the bar high and make the make the most of every opportunity for new investment and new employment prospects, we could start from the cancellation of the distance between us and Terni, in 20 minutes you will reach Umbria, in some verses in better condition than at Rieti. To do so serves the contribution of everyone, from entrepreneurs to the press in politics. Already, the policy! Talk about politics in this period of history is not popular but in my opinion, it is still crucial to do so. Incalziamo the political class and the ruling class of this city, let's understand that all along the fences of apparteneze necessarily have to be culled. Stop the logic of the party and the nerve useless! Stop a selfish thought and centralist, is useless: it takes only choices for the common good, shared between all and all to prevent it from degenerating as in other countries not far from us. The policy give us answers on this, constantly, and demonstrate the noble function melanie watt and utility for the people, otherwise you forget it. Let rhetoric without a hug and my personal melanie watt closeness to those in need, to those who suffer and those who for various reasons, for other reasons, no voice: RietiLife in his role ritagliatosi thank you is always available. Emiliano Grillotti
In the current economic situation in our province who lives must be so ottinismo and vivid imagination to imagine that 2014 is better than the previous year. It 'better to be optimistic melanie watt that the new year will be prosperous for the whole community of Rieti. New Year's Greetings to all citizens of the area, in particular in the drafting of Rietilife always in the gap for the social and environmental problems.
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