Sunday, February 9, 2014

Related articles or February 2, 2014 - The Cis promotes

The Cis promotes the meeting "O light magis dilecta sorori ..." |
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Reggio Calabria. Thursday, February 6, 2014, at 16.30, at the palace of the Province of Reggio Calabria (The Library room floor), the Department of Culture and the Legality led tube of the Province led tube of Reggio Calabria and the International Center for Writers of Calabria, in the context the second cycle of the project "Four Steps in the ancient world ..." directed by Maria Quattrone, the second meeting will promote "O light magis dilecta sorori led tube ...." - Being a woman, being sister in the classical led tube world. After the greeting by Eduardo Lamberti - Castronuovo, Department of Culture and the Legality of the provincial administration and Loreley Rosita Borruto, led tube president of Cis of Calabria, will give the inaugural Maria Quattrone, former Headmaster of the High School "T. Campanella "of Reggio Calabria, member of the Scientific Committee of the CIS of Calabria. On the topic of women and the feminine universe in the classical led tube world will report Annaida Cammarata, former professor of Latin and Greek at the Liceo Classico "T. Campanella "in Reggio Calabria. The rapporteur, using examples from Greek and Latin classics, will develop the aspect of womanhood rather unusual relationship of sisterhood in its various manifestations, similar led tube in some ways, those of the past to those of today. Emerge the topicality, indeed, the universality of the messages coming from the Latin and greek: it must be considered, in fact, as our human and cultural archetype as one of the sources of reflection in the building aware of their own life project. Teresa Gable and Francesca Lazzaro will be speaking voices that interpret the songs of reference of the classics in translation. Mary Star Ribbons and Ludowika Tripodi to perform short musical interludes and flute accompany some recitations with a musical score.
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