Friday, March 7, 2014

On the way back I had a couple of hours before the train would go back. Nobody told me that almost

Blog world is kohdallani had a quiet life, but in real life does not. Roller coaster ride at an exponential rate has gone up and down, and it is undeniably a toll on the forces. I would say that one path has now traveled to the end of it, and shall have no further routes. Fortunately, the.
The first showcase was eksän Being with the same room. I leave backgrounds to tell, because tivoli lighting it is a really long story. The essential fact is that I noticed how the different stages of the divorce impasse we are reading. For me it was nothing short of a shock to see that exa is still the starting point, at least in my opinion. It's as if nothing matters should not be discussed at all. Exa twirling tivoli lighting downright anger (why??), And the first time I wondered whether it would be gone if I had been attacked alone? Maybe it's just me, however, was not in favor of things to go right down into the ground tivoli lighting through such a hard job as it is. I felt really balanced and I left the provocation that.
The second place was the screen vertaistapaamisessa other myositis-people. It was really nice to see familiar faces that I had not seen in a while. The event was a showcase for me, because I was there the speaker's role. No experience in performing this autumn have not yet had time to build up, so it was time to be anxious high. But since the topic was very important to me, peer support, and medical history project, tivoli lighting then suddenly it went over and the excitement of thing slide. Questions came from the comfort and debate on the subject anyway. What is the most fun (at least for me), I had to pause a little style: is not got all day ...:-D In fact, I got a lot out of you for this opportunity and I hope I've tivoli lighting also given something else. It was fun and it is the main thing.
On that occasion, even to the extent that, because it was held in Hämeenlinna, I traveled there by train. Is no problem with these trips work out, that's for sure. Wake up at 4 in the morning and the phone began to play tricks when I tried to order a taxi. Fortunately, it agreed to cooperate, that did not need to go to wake the neighbors call a taxi. Morning coffee on the train and, of course, part of the lap. Fortunately, in such a way that it can not be clearly noticed. The first time I tried face pakkelointia the train going to the toilet. Swinging stuff and great light. The end result, tivoli lighting however, was just a scarecrow ;-)
On the way back I had a couple of hours before the train would go back. Nobody told me that almost opposite the station had a yard sale, but I found it a magnet right away. Who's crazy to buy a bag full of books that dragged the weight of the load was already a computer and a stack of books? Well, I of course ... such was cheap ... :-)
Very heavy, but rewarding week. I was really tired at both locations the screen. Yet occurred on consecutive days. I'm still a bit like recuperating from last week. Sore muscles, fever a couple of days, and fatigue. Huge fatigue, of which I have ever experienced before. I put the main reason for fatigue, chronic stress triggered the spike. As a large stone was raised off my shoulders, that it took a lot of voimiakin with them.
Talking always helps. tivoli lighting I'm back in spoken tivoli lighting and written a lot of things. Begin to feel easier and feel lighter. Yet the decision to stay jännään muscle disease under control, tivoli lighting and the sector oireilemaan further. tivoli lighting Fingers crossed!
And that's not all. There is one more thing that was mietityttämään, now that this line of reasoning here we go again. Yesterday, the front door is ajar for a moment into the great tit and flew directly to the studio. Pöllämystyneenä a while it sat on the book shelf, and then, apparently way out of the memory, and left before I managed to start it hätistelemään. From this it followed, then, that I began to think about the old people to superstitious meanings for different events. Was it one of your? If so, which one?
Do you have a diagnosis of dermatomyositis (DM), polymyositis (PM), inkluusiokappalemyosiitti (IBM) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM)?
Since this is a rare inflammatory muscle disease, it is difficult to peer support in Finland. It is to help ease the onset of the disease, we collect diseased stories for publication. Our aim is to share knowledge and experience for current tivoli lighting and future myositis patients.
2013 (7)

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