Thursday, September 11, 2014

Davidson Institute of Science Education, Weizmann Institute of Science Youth Camp August 10-15 at t

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Migratory birds against the sunset. Photo released to the public by photographer Jerry Sgravs. From Wikipedia serves as Israel's spring migration route for millions of birds, many do not complete the migration route due to man-made factors, factors and barriers in many cases with little consideration and thought to be removed.
In the past I referred hazards of artificial light, one of which is the confusion created by artificial lights for night birds, many birds flying at night and route your way with flights of heaven, artificial lights make them deviations sometimes ending in death, so also continued growers bright (or dark look like ponds) , high-rise apartments and other structures are indicated primarily martin roboscan 812 for aircraft lights. Errors are mainly caused when fog, rain, dust or other visibility conditions have to have the birds fly low, it may seem a bid amount of artificial lights are switched off. Confused birds circling around bumper lights and finally buildings. In recent martin roboscan 812 years many communication towers were built, are located at intervals even in remote areas, desolate and again to be marked for aircraft has led lighting fixture, lighting the birds make mistakes, fatal errors.
A group of birds in the United States. US-based Partners in Flight, was looking for a solution to save birds from mistakes, according to a survey of the group: the United States alone, die each year five million birds due to collisions of communication towers, according to the birds, when added to this number the buildings collisions others and take into consideration the global data line collisions, obtained the number Hmdhim- 50 million! 50 million birds in the world die due to navigation errors caused by artificial lights.
The birds were looking for how to reduce the damage and found a simple way to easy and inexpensive, replacing the head lights flashing bulbs structures, since the birds navigate using celestial bodies whose light will Htihsotn different fixed flickering light. Indeed, the assumption has been verified experimentally in the field, the birds received a Michigan Police Authority, alter the form of lighting by 21 communication martin roboscan 812 towers 140 meters height, each tower was lit in one of four ways: white flicker, flicker red, regular red and red low intensity. For twenty days, every morning, the volunteers gathered at the foot of the towers dead birds, counting martin roboscan 812 showed martin roboscan 812 that the type of lighting a big impact on No. clash, which was grown at the foot of the red light flashes were 70% less carrion! Ie flashing red light bulbs save millions of birds dying in a collision.
Since the main lighting martin roboscan 812 towers, martin roboscan 812 high-rise towers and other communications by aviation authorities martin roboscan 812 committed, the authority held by the airport authorities to try to change the lighting, (a change that will save energy), a change that would save millions of birds, a change that benefits all parties!
Responder cool: not clear to me the reason for your claim. martin roboscan 812 This is not complaining but operative problem solving. This solution was tried and proved himself - contrary to much speculation regarding the evolution worry days (and it is well known that evolution is not able to solve any problem in good time to save the species and many animals have been extinct a result of human activity) In May 3rd, 2009
What a crybaby! As usual, like you always did. I remember the article complained about the idea of establishing Sea Canal. Israel canal can only do good (and maybe salt the eastern Negev land, big deal! Even so there's nothing there ..) And I say, let's let evolution do it. From experience I've seen cats and stray dogs pass road at crosswalks and looking left and right before that. Like it .. at the end of learning how people cross the road safely, and how not to be confused martin roboscan 812 artificial lights. May 3rd, 2009
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Davidson Institute of Science Education, Weizmann Institute of Science Youth Camp August 10-15 at the Weizmann Institute Brain Registration interactive exhibition opening on 9/7/14 Summer Garden Workshops Davidson Institute Science Science martin roboscan 812 Education - Registration is under way "

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