Friday, September 12, 2014

I was two days in Hoboken, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River. If there is one annoying thing

New York, New York | and the world's got me dizzy again
I spent a week in New York. New York Manhattan says, among other things, but a lot of places around - New Jersey, mailbox numbers Brooklyn and Queens. I did not really beyond that. There were things that just did not bother to do this time, like to get close to Central Park or the Empire State Building and Times Square - although in the latter case when it was passed on the way to that I tried to reach him. Yeah pretty much turned parts of The Village.
I was two days in Hoboken, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River. If there is one annoying thing about Hoboken - is public transport. It is so close to New York, but New Jersey transportation mailbox numbers network works differently, which does not accept mailbox numbers Metro tickets and New Yorkers in general slower. The good thing is the view of Hoboken, which is just awesome. The walk to my host took about 20 minutes from the train. You could go at least half of it along the river and watch the pyramids in Manhattan, day and night. The view was completely different from what you get in New York. If you have a funny detail mailbox numbers about Hoboken, is Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken and downtown park dedicated to Frank Sinatra, Hoboken gift to the world "(exact quote) and regular singing contests in his songs.
I took the train to New York under the river. Does not really bother to make plans which made it one moment I was in the middle of the hustle is not clear, but always, in Midtown Manhattan. A little later in a nearby park I had never heard of before, but it was the one sponsored reading corner bookstores, and suddenly I'm taking a train to Queens and wandering in all kinds of neighborhoods. Each region would seem to be a minority of a different nature - one neighborhood was mostly Mexican Otherwise, another Muslim and black. stalls selling all sorts of nonsense and ethnic food street, Queens was tremendous.
As I mentioned, my first host lives in Hoboken. He works as a programmer, it was nice and took it in stride mailbox numbers late, again (to hell with New York, it is impossible to estimate travel time from the suburbs). mailbox numbers Everything in his house was digital, including mailbox numbers toaster and air mattress. The most remarkable thing about his house to me, can be considered a fun fact about Hoboken number two, if that is a bit strange - the light bulb in the bathroom in the apartment did not work and fix it instead of just inserted for another mailbox numbers lamp. Every time I went into that room I went with a new joke for programmers and replacement mailbox numbers bulbs.
New Jersey moved to the middle of Manhattan. It turned out that a relative lived not far from Union Square. He was not at home when I was in the area, but it was nice not to leave the key object. Has an apartment that looks like it took the design from a catalog, I was careful not to break anything. mailbox numbers It was one of the strangest locations I got to them. Attractive building located in Manhattan, but I found it a bit overwhelming when I left the building on the weekend and found a busy street fair, just outside mailbox numbers the door, which continued a few blocks mailbox numbers to Union Square. Turned all sorts of random places in New York, especially in parts of The Village. Searched Stores , preferably second hand, that have banjo. has me fill the role of musical instruments and wandered around the island with this in mind. went into a record mailbox numbers shop in case I passed it, it was a completely crowded large room, stacks on top of stacks of records everywhere. was an old man alone the middle of the store, mailbox numbers arranged records and looks like part of the decor. asked about store musical instruments and he referred me to another shop who referred me to another shop, as Chase is not over. During the chase I passed the shelter tiny abandoned animals, which are at the Village, petting some cats and I moved on .
One time I went through Union Square where a group was demonstrating against Israel. I've seen quite a lot of them in America and ignored, but this time I decided to ask one of the people who were with informational materials from conflicts in the world why he personally chose rather to demonstrate against this conflict. Man, that looks like a bored retiree who did it just to get through the day, began to stutter and did not know what it does to answer and not something else. At some point I decided to save him stutter no reason for wars in Africa and he did not know why he did not protest against them and explained why I asked - that seems that wherever mailbox numbers I was in (except China, China no one has heard about Israel - or Jesus) people have an opinion on the matter and they hear about it all the time in the media. During that conflict is not that big on a global scale, and large-scale conflicts in much larger get much less attention, it seems strange to me personally, especially mailbox numbers in Israel. When he realized I was in Israel he started mailbox numbers questioning me about the revival of the Hebrew mailbox numbers language and how the hell is it possible after so long (it's always a good story: "So it was a man sitting in his study to make up words when all his family died of tuberculosis and malaria ... and when his wife died, he married with her sister ... and called for new born children in the name of children who died ... "). talked for another 20 minutes and we parted as friends.
Before I left I got to host some of the people through Couch Surfing in Tel Aviv. Latest mailbox numbers Ricky came to my house were singing - a pair of lesbian, mailbox numbers feminist Brooklyn. Rickie they have family coming to visit the country, mailbox numbers but the family did not just endorse the connection between them. Ricki and Sarah by the way a married mailbox numbers couple - went to get married in California when it was legal. reason there was no family problem to travel with them, invite them to dinner, etc., but they would not let them stay there for the night - so they were looking for a sofa. Both were nice, really, with a taste excellent music and we got along great. To be honest, Ricky musician and has a small band of her own., but unfortunately her parents were weird sense of humor or lack of general knowledge and they gave her the name Ricky, whose family name is wave - Riki Gal., she expressed bitterness about it, especially as a musician and complained of Riki Gal style of the other and how she did not want to confuse between them.
The last two days in New York I stayed with them in Brooklyn. We also met once before in Brooklyn and turned a Lower east side

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