Hello everyone. Yesterday during lawn mowing heard howling under a hedge, and discovered four small kittens on the ground. I have to water the lawn, and the problem is that they are a few meters from one of the sprinklers. If I turn the water to live their chances are slim, since it is a huge water flow and because they can not escape. (For those who know this is a pop-up sprinklers from her house and rotates). Sometimes lucalox the mother is there (note the pictures, they were taken within one day). What to do?
If you have no garden lucalox hose then watered lucalox the lawn with a watering can. And no matter what do not move them. Mother chose this location in mind that dogs probably will not find it. My cat gives birth she puts the puppies under the house or on my window paradise.
Re: four little kittens motivated lucalox me to water the garden. lucalox What to do? (Photo attached)
redbaron View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries Visit Homepage scorching asphalt is (> 2500 posts) December 2003 a new development location of a new seat belt reduces by 45% the amount of buffalo Posts 3231
Beautiful day for everyone.
Good for human discovery, nowadays it is becoming rare. By the appearance, at least two weeks old kittens - with fur and apparently normal visibility. Maybe try to defend this part of the lawn irrigation from using any box, or wait patiently - as Mark wrote, would move them soon. In any case, do not touch them and try to move - most mothers abandon their pups if human scent clung to them.
I'll wait a few days without water, as it is saying that on Monday afternoon, rain expected locally, if after a few days they will still be there, I will change lucalox the direction of the sprinkler so that it will not hurt them at all. Incidentally, I did not touch a puppy or mother (although she did not resist he moved his hand), but what is driving abandon the pups if human scent clung to them, what's the reason? filmed 2 more pictures of cats in complete darkness (photo quality surprised me, though this lesser quality than it was in the afternoon):
By the way, I did not touch a puppy or mother (even though she did not object he moved his hand), but what is driving abandon the pups if human scent clung to them? What is the reason? lucalox I do not really know why, but it's decades of experience - do not touch. This course also occurs in other animal. About the pictures - they go well as complete lucalox darkness, adjusting the exposure is determined by the flash, and manufacturers have worked for many years for accurate adjustment of exposure with flash. There are currently no external light source, the only light coming from the camera, so the camera can adjust it precisely.
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