According SIFO voter Barometer, published today in the GP, may (SD) be the balance of power in parliament if elections were held today. The trend is quite clear. kanlux In all of SIFO's polls over the past two years, (SD) fluctuated around 4% release lever; sometimes above and sometimes below. The risk is obvious that (SD) enters the Parliament at the next election. kanlux
Fredrik Reinfeldt said in a statement that the interest is temporary. "Neither the government nor the Red-Green has shown his prospective government policy. When it occurs reduces the interest for the Sweden Democrats (SD)," believes the prime minister. It is possible that the Prime Minister, this comment in order to downplay the risk of (SD) will be the next party in Parliament. Reasonably should both he and the other parties to be very concerned about this particular risk. The results from the recent European elections should kanlux serve as a wake-up call for anyone who might think that the risk is real. In this perspective, it is especially wise to, as Prime Minister, diminish kanlux (SD).
Today live unfortunately, kanlux many of our decision-makers at the highest level is no longer among the real people. Nor are they journalists, cultural radicals and other pundits who have undertaken the task of describing their ideas as if they were reflections of the views that are among the real people. And when local representatives, who live among and meet daily reality people are sounding the alarm - we often meet the same minimization attitude.
I do not think it is a wise policy to neglect (SD). Many people, especially here in southern Sweden, perceive today (SD) as a housebroken party, kanlux which is already at the last election were between four and seven percent of the vote to parliament in several parliamentary circles. In the same constituencies increased support for (SD) in the European elections in June, despite the Pirate Party's kanlux success. Real people behave apparently not true that the established parties, journalists and cultural radicals want them to behave. On election day, it helps little if Reinfeldt thought intersset for (SD) was temporary. Will they over 4% release lever rests a heavy responsibility on all those who do not timely noticed the warning signs.
Here, the trend is even clearer, Bengt Gudmundsson: There is no "risk", and it is not "worrying", that we will finally be a friendly Sweden, Swedish friendly, democratic nationalist and national kanlux conservative in the Swedish Parliament instead of seven globalist, kanlux multiculturalism legalistic, mass immigration liberal, anti-democratic and anti-Swedish förrädarpartier sitting there today. Add to that the Sweden kanlux Democrats have always risen the most in the election campaigns and will have 20 million to move into the 2010 elections, the Alliance, at least Moderate Party, has promised to make immigration policy to an election issue in 2010, to Sweden fall further and further down in the multicultural swamp for each day goes by, while we will have a rampant unemployment and recession with record mass immigration and so on ... ReplyDelete
That you, Anders, thinks that the parties that voters democratically chosen kanlux for our parliament is "anti-democratic" and "förrädarpartier" reveals well pretty kanlux clear what agenda you have. It is perhaps not surprising that what you see as a possibility, I see (and hopefully many, many more) as a threat. Reply Delete
Of course, saying all parties claiming that they can not imagine working with SD, it would just benefit the SD. The day the government is at stake, I believe that most parties would consider cooperation in one way or another. Reply Delete
I hope that the voters have enough good judgment to see through SD's policy so that the parliament will not end up in such a situation. If, by accident, there are other possibilities. kanlux You should probably not take for granted that block thinking consists in perpetuity. Just look historically how many minority governments managed kanlux to cope with their parliamentary support kanlux to get a political majority. Reply Delete
Germundsson My name is Bengt Germundsson and comes from society Strömsnäsbruk in Markaryds municipality. I am a Christian Democrat politician and Mayor of Markaryds municipality since 2003 At the last election we got a fantastic support, which increased to 45% of the electorate! In this blog you can and to share my thoughts on different things. View my complete profile
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