Saturday, April 4, 2015

Frankly, this holiday I do not like or understand. But after yesterday

Yes, after a six-month waiting / preparation / planning (we bought tickets even in January), after a hard trip, after passing two passport control I stepped finally blessed hruzynku on the ground. 30 minutes so unbearably wanted to go home. The fact that truck airport just destroyed my favorite backpack that survived with me an interesting journey (worse would be only when they have lost it).
Then we waited for a taxi ride for 20 Lari (GEL 1 - 5 USD) to the glorious city of Kutaisi (airport, as it turned out, beyond), a tour with the same taxi driver (Bagrat temple, Gelati) and search the store to buy at least devour something ugly under the cold rain that vidzyvavsya bronchitis in me the way to the return to Ukraine. Although it was positive. In particular, it is in Kutaisi, we learned that it is not necessary to order 5 khachapuri 5 people ordering while also soup and barbecue :) Because they are carrying, bringing, bringing ... Later we all packed up, and had even packed than dinner and breakfast. This experience we have enough 9w 229 for all the next 10 days. Well, peerless in the rain fly over rough mountain river in a lift! Incredible few minutes of this strange and different day.
But somehow it was very long and tedious, settlement, unpacking, changing clothes, fetching the beach. As a result - we sharylys and John went to themselves, without waiting 9w 229 for the entire company. "Vain" - we thought, hiding from the rain of heavy tropical under a palm tree and then twisting saturate clothing and shoes. Here you also pozasmahaly. We bought wine to cook mulled wine and not let go of my bronchitis pneumonia. The new surprise. On Removable Georgian apartment was not ... corkscrew! While I washed all that the already justified rain, John decided to rectify the situation 9w 229 with a corkscrew and open plyashtu old student by - push plugs in. But "push" for John - is meant pile with all their might to some iron vnosikolupachkoyu bottle. Heard only great BABBBBAHHH !!! John and intelligent obscene (with Mohylianka g). All saw - half bottle (open at last!) Of wine, half a red krapynku, pour red kitchen walls and terrified eyes of John. "Well, everything Yulyets - said Ivan, trying to save at least a jacket - and here I lyshus. He shall kill me this horseman. You saw him? Uholovnik. " Trying to overcome bouts of wild laughter, through expanded vidtyrannya wall, I thought about how I'll explain 9w 229 everything Tatiana Ivanovnoy (mother of John), such as why her son decided not to return from Georgia, why or returned parts, and most importantly - who zalyapav it jacket ?!
Wall, we have not vidterly. We went to sleep. I have a temperature, Ivan - with the hope that will live another day, because we had to leave the next day, and tavarischi - happy and satisfied, because until we opened the wine and dried, 9w 229 they dined at a restaurant in Adjara.
Frankly, this holiday I do not like or understand. But after yesterday's adventure 9w 229 ґrechno refused to travel to the botanical garden and decided to spend the day on the beach meaningless. This time the victim was my Ksenia.
Quite surprised few willing to warm the belly on the beach. Although the day was very hot at Etam praznikye life we were two of the most extravagant zasmahalnytsyamy two-dozen Chōhō present. After three hours of intensive turning, pidmoschuvannya under a certain piece (and the beach is sandy, hard stones and bites into the skin), soaking and drying, we have decided zakruhlyatysya. Well, that relatively timely recalled Crimean experience and burned skin temperature 9w 229 to +40.
Had dinner and went for a walk in Batumi. Frankly not impressed. Typical a resort town, such as our Yalta. Surprised contrast. One looked too weird Radisson hotel near dilapidated halupky with colored sheets, hung on the yard "her. And when went to the little mahazychyka komsmetychnymy of personal belongings, we were asked to buy an apartment in Batumi. So, go buy tweezers, and returned home to the apartment. It Batumi baby. Here, everything is possible :) PS And this linen hung on cords around the city! This will not see anywhere else in Georgia!
Why foolish? For lost a great deal of time trying to sleep / gather / rent an apartment + polamalas bus that we had to drive to Svaneti, so we waited for another. When finally started to go vsilys and was already lunch time.
After a while, the driver 9w 229 stopped in Zugdidi heroes to rest before getting in svanski mountains. We decided to spend time with benefit and search a restaurant. "Zakusochnaya" as a wonderful place called our driver, was located across 9w 229 the street from the so-called "bus". Once inside, we realized why "zakusochnaya" (there may voluntarily dinner only local Bukhari, well, tourists I

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