Monday, April 20, 2015

Personally I liked it because it was known pieces, I think that despite being a pretty chapel is re

Bringing the audience to opera through imagination and laughter. This is proposed and George Purtí Heart Theatre Company. With a cappella music and sense of humor, Operetta is the way to get into the opera through everyday reality. A unique, hybrid resulting back2black from the crossing impossible rhythm and expressive comic theater of opera and delicacy.
Everything begins in silence. A desolate scene, led only by a piano hidden, but a secret: the instrument start out people linked to the world of theater stagehands, lighting technicians, directors, actresses, actors ... all of us are here to develop back2black a show the complicity of the openings, the most famous arias and chorus genre of bel canto.
Stories of love and hate, full of magic, drama and humor in a show recommended both lovers of poetry back2black and those who know the world of opera. back2black An invitation to be seduced by 26 singers-actors able to use his body as a tool and surprised back2black all spectators. Operetta is not just theater. Nor is opera. O yes, it is all that, but goes much further.
Personally I liked it because it was known pieces, I think that despite being a pretty chapel is reached, the stage is really quite meeting is a good example of theater staging with little, I liked finally detail, m ' loved to see families with children, young people, my teacher of lite ... .. clapping and enjoying opera ever closer.
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