Saturday, April 25, 2015

In this work, Hevia make a picture of a movie we like. This picture should express the sense, or th

Illustration | nadiamrini
In this work, Hevia make a picture of a movie we like. This picture should express the sense, or that conveys 2gx13 the film we chose.
I decided to make the illustration of a film I liked a lot, and you can work on your topic and find ideas expresses its sense, because it speaks of intelligence and future these topics 2gx13 me give me creative ideas to work like this.
In the middle 2gx13 of the century, the severe global warming caused polar ice caps will melt, flooding coasts and drastically reduced the human population. There is a new class of robots called Mecha, advanced humanoid capable of emulating thoughts and emotions. David (Haley Joel Osment), 2gx13 a prototype model created by Cybertronics New Jersey, is designed to look like a human child and show love for their human owners. They analyze its creation one of its employees, Henry Swinton (Sam Robards) and his wife Monica (Frances O'Connor). The son of Swinton, Martin (Jake Thomas), was put in suspended animation until a cure can be found for his rare disease. Even at the beginning, Monica is scared of David, she finally feels affection for him after activating his printing protocol, which irreversibly because David loved the same way as any child would love a father. Also befriends Teddy (Jack Angel), a robotic teddy bear, which oversees the welfare of David. A cure is found for Martin and is taken back home, a sibling rivalry occurs between 2gx13 Martin and David. David Martin convinces Monica to go on the middle of the night and cut a curl of her hair, but the parents wake up and they are very angry. At a pool party, one of the friends Martin active program 2gx13 of self after David is chopped 2gx13 with a knife. David Martin clings to and both fall into the pool, where David heavy drag to the bottom while still clings to Martin. Martin is rescued, but Henry is shocked by the actions of David, concluding that the ability to love David also can deliver the ability to hate. Monica Henry persuades David to return to Cybertronics where David will be destroyed. However, Monica can not do it, and instead, David leaves in the forest (with Teddy) to hide as Mecha not registered. David captured by the anti-Wick Meat Fair, an event where Wicks obsolete are destroyed in front of a fervent 2gx13 ovation. David is almost killed, but the crowd is surprised by the realistic nature (David Wicks different from other, begging for his life) and escapes, next Gigolo Joe (Jude Law), a male prostitute Mecha fled after being "involved" in a murder. Both come in search of the Blue Fairy, who reminded David of the Pinocchio story. Is convinced that the Blue Fairy transform into a human child, allowing Monica to love him and take him home. Joe and David makes his way to Rogue City. The information engine holographic questions called "Dr. Know" (Robin Williams) finally leads to the top of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan partially covered with water. Want to New York via a submersible vehicle called anfibiocoptero 2gx13 who stole the police at the time that Joe was arrested but manages to free the disturbance and accompanying David. David knows his human creator, Professor Hobby (William Hurt), 2gx13 who moved up in David search was a test that demonstrates the reality of love and desire. It is also clear that many copies of the David already being manufactured, along with female versions. 2gx13 Sad, David realizes he is not alone. A despairing David tries to commit 2gx13 suicide sill edge of the ocean, but Joe rescues the anfibiocoptero. David was aware that the Blue Fairy under the ocean, and you want to get there. At the time, Joe is caught by authorities with the use of a Electromagnets. David and Teddy anfibiocoptero take to go where the fairy, a statue of a diving attraction in Coney Island. Teddy and David are trapped when the Wonder Wheel falls in the vehicle. Believing that the Blue Fairy is real, David asks that becomes a real boy, repeating his desire 2gx13 sempiternament until the ocean freezes in another ice age and the internal power source ends. Two thousand years later, humanity is extinct, and Manhattan is buried under many layers of glacial ice. The Mecha evolved into a form of advanced humanoid appearance 2gx13 alienígena.1 find David and Teddy, and discover 2gx13 that they are functional Wicks know human life

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