Sunday, April 12, 2015

The first character that is introduced is Caramar Elias, who traveled by sea the most remote places

The first character that is introduced is Caramar Elias, who traveled by sea the most remote places on earth. The narrator says, following tesate the record held by him for many years, this navigator tesate has a current tesate physical aging, which lies in the whiteness of his hair and heavy steps are performed and who want to continue to own land. This leads to the reunion talk extensively. The Elias says he is rich and has a theater on the outskirts of the city. At the end of the conversation, inviting them to visit him at his theater. The narrator tesate recall, when sun, shining a relative of his had one of his ears, as Elias presents, which proved false.
The narrator proposed to his loving partner in something that provoked a backlash tesate that she became at once a beloved face and a broken relationship. These events happened during a dance party. After this comes a mechanically Blue Square, where a turtle with a sign propaganda Caramar Theatre. When trying to touch the turtle, is stopped by a pawn of this entity, which then sells tickets for attendance as a spectator at one of the shows offered.
Caramar Theatre is built on a sandy beach. tesate The narrator discovers again Elias, which specifies tesate that the entire company is due to its philanthropy. After the conversation, is located in your town, about a woman who he believes tesate wants to love it, because it relies on a railing around teaching him how to smoke. Wanting to provide a favorable image if this woman decides to hold her gaze believing that she abaixarà, which does not make the man and love.
Fortunately, the lights went out and the music filled the place. After hearing and presenting an illusion of innocence stolen tesate title, an artist dressed exclusively pants and bras appears proscenium singing the drama of his life, in which a military deception. His intention, he had intended to hide the sadness I felt not like the public, even though the people of the most inexpensive kicked for little hands and devotees.
The atmosphere inside the theater tends progressively towards detente. tesate However, the narrator feels anxiety about the possible meeting in the middle between him and the woman who seeks love it. These lights come on and the eyes of the woman and he intertwined, even blaming the feeling even more delivery man toward woman, crowning tesate his rule over him with a smile. He offered under this hypnotic state their will and falls unconscious.
Being awakened by Elias, tesate after dreaming that her loving couple had found another tesate man, he expresses his sadness, while some women cleaned the theater now and pick up the empty purses and umbrellas tesate forgotten. The two men go to dinner, and during the meal Elias tell oriental proverb enormously reassuring narrator.
The narrator realizes chimeras that makes drinking his beloved an elixir of love so that it wants its own death after the man (object of love induced tesate elixir) is released under the wheels of a bus.
The narrator says that viewers play a role distant and reserved with respect to the actions of the artists in order to understand quality experts in the field, characteristic improper.
We understand that one of the ideas that Calders to offer the reader in this story is the certainty that the sediment broad cultural soften the suffering of the person. We can also see that introduced again the contrast between the firm and permanent real and the fantastic, extraordinary and mysterious; represented respectively by the protagonist's life based on a stable and loving relationship for the theater tesate space, quality fantasy accused by the presence of a strange woman.
2014 (4) March (4) Things tesate seemingly inconsequential, Pere Calders Caramar Theater, Pere Calders Pere Calders Pere Calders feat of arms, the principle of Wisdom (1940) 2013 (7) December (4) November (3)

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