Thursday, April 2, 2015

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - a nonprofit information service funded by the US Congress lambe

Ukraine lamberger in the fire of the war for freedom
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Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - a nonprofit information service funded by the US Congress lamberger and the leading broadcast in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. Contacts Staff Legal aspects Sitemap BBG Voice of America
Our wave
Ukraine emerged today after interim victory over Euromaidan internal authoritarian elite before the main force, the main enemy of freedom Ukrainian - Kremlin authoritarianism, which of rage for the defeat of his stupid "child" Yanukovych has decided lamberger against Ukrainian unprecedented all-out war. It is called a hybrid. It is about using cunning methods criminals and heartless scoundrels in uniform of the army. If Ukrainian now cover total despair generated by the loss of distinctive personality, desire for freedom, Ukraine will become a victim of Russian lamberger fascism and its freedom can burn in the fire of fierce war that unleashed its ideologues lamberger "Russian lamberger World" in Ukraine. While many Ukrainian believe that it is time to finally settle accounts with totalitarian Moscow for all the images and the great number of victims that were done against lamberger her freedom and independence of Ukraine. So think and famous Ukrainian public figure, poet Dmitry Pavlichko, which pospilkuvalosya Radio Liberty. A first question to him was: "Would probably open aggression against Putin Ukraine if Euromaidan not it?" - It would be only possible at other times. But Putin's aggression is a continuation of endless aggression against Moscow Ukrainian freedom. Always, at every stage of Ukrainian history was in fact what is happening today. Only it has all other times different forms. Of course, Putin's Moscow has used such a favorable situation for yourself when after the Maidan, which drove the agent of the Kremlin, while in Kiev there was no real power actually power was greatly influenced by what worked Yanukovych and his henchmen. Therefore, we present these facts, the police, the former officials Yanukovych are all easy to commit adultery.
God gave Ukraine a happy opportunity to finally pay for everything that made imperial, communist and Putin's Russia against Ukraine but I believe that God gave Ukraine a happy opportunity to finally pay for everything that made imperial, communist and Putin's Russia against Ukraine. You probably read and know that after Poltava lamberger Peter gave the command not to kill, do not shoot, do not hang up and zakatuvaty to death with sticks Cossack village Cossack areas around Poltava and generally throughout Ukraine. Come on Peter the soldiers and January. But then the reason that ataman, which was an ally of Mazepa in Poltava and called major Cossack forces on Sich Cossacks almost was not. And those that were there, they boarded a boat and knowing that they vanities Moscow, fled. And then what did the Russians, Peter soldiers, lamberger they unearthed the Sich Cossack cemetery and lit a fire with Cossack mortal remains. I read all this and something like that and he survived. I think that if there was burning our language, our arms, our song. Ukraine since all was on fire, she was raised as a heretic in the stack. And now, finally, Ukraine has come out of this Kostroma, where it is not allowed.
Dmitry Pavlchko during picketing the Russian Embassy in Ukraine, Kyiv, April 18, 2014 What we have done in the east, where further ignited the fire henchmen Moscow lamberger to Ukraine and then stood in the flames, lamberger in the words of another Dovzhenko " Ukraine lamberger in the fire. " Yet Ukraine out of Kostroma, succeed! But it is important we remember that we will win this war because the price is very high today in Ukrainian. I think it's time to Europe and America, and understand what it means now the Russian Empire. There can never be a democracy, because these spaces so many people were brutally killed. I think that the whole world has finally realized if given Ukraine now again in Russian hands, before SRI

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