Wednesday, April 15, 2015

View my complete profile Latest Posts old words (literature) sealed Silence (literature) moi Ma lan

Close your eyes for a moment and think about what you have. Think about what you have and what you can lose. Shh .... just think, do not worry, just a thought. No, please do not think that, because hope is the last to be lost without it everything is dark. Think love and when thinks hatred. Exactly, you also hate to love him and love, in part, the hate. But very little bit, little bit so that all feel the joy that hides these small pieces of hate. Shhh ... listen, listen attentively. The feel? It's a little voice inside halogenas you. Do you hear what I said? Listen carefully. halogenas Do not lose detail, because it is what will give you the recipe for happiness, there are very few ingredients, then things do not need much to be happy. What is the first thing you say? No, no I can tell you, that only you can know. Aha. And what else? Go! Already we have here! The present is present or let him alone? Well, shame. Well, you tell them there or I say? Yes, yes, himself. Love. What exactly is this love? It seems sweet to say there. Come on, look what it says this: they tickle his belly. It is tender, the marbled halogenas teal background freckled. Well, we can deduce what say is a good thing. But, oh !, I feel here? It suffered a sobbing girl with sad eyes. True, suffer. Why should do if you have suffered many things this good? Shhh ... let talk, do not grapple all over. It is not always reciprocated, true. And you feel unsure, do not refuse. It hurts when you can not love the person who gives everything, this is very nice. You are afraid, they say there. Fear of what? By all respond. Apa here, fear not as bad as you think, even warns us of what we have to be careful. Hey! Pay that there have said something interesting: shame. True, there had fallen. For shy people is not easy, shame prevents them say what they feel, but if love is pure, the end always succeed. I guess with time decreases shyness, accompanied with a little confidence and self-esteem. I do not usually do, but I will today an exception, because ye eh? Guaita and pay attention to what you say to live, smile, enjoy, you fall in love, love, be yourself, calling, shouting, crying ... but not wane, I know that you are strong and you with everything you planted before! Love is estimated as the sun, bright as the stars shine and live with the desire to live a baby leaves to the light of day.
Sometimes not enough to listen to yourself, halogenas so that you can let your soul to get what you want, because you have very clear you need to be happy, and you realize that appeals front of a concrete wall without cracks, and that is the only listens to the rain outside, falling blind and ruthless. Sometimes it is nice sometimes makes you happy. Sometimes killing halogenas and despair. Sometimes you laugh and sometimes make you cry. Sometimes it makes you live. And others, makes you die. 9:10 am
View my complete profile Latest Posts old words (literature) sealed Silence (literature) moi Ma land Wilhelm MASPERDIU Nocturnal Surveillance Anything you can give me the old days Cerdanya only you and nobody else Shame summer

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