Monday, April 6, 2015

The fire was still curbed. With a red face and black soot hands, dr led eyes, tears of smoke, they

Svalovychivska giving - lovely countryside Lyubeshivschyny. dr led Here, near the forest age - preharni pond with sandy beaches, reeds. dr led And yet - rickety wooden houses, some of them covered with straw, which adds even more flavor. And such beauty can be destroyed at all, it would seem, not much - carelessly thrown match or mindless dr led arson.
15 km from the ravine, over the highway - smoking. 5 km sir. Hotsun Liubeshiv district. Probably so farmers love their cattle that are willing to sacrifice for the sake of good hay and beauty and prosperity, and environmental edge. Pidpalyvshy reeds and dry grass, have put at risk large forest plantations ...
On that day in April Chief Directorate of Forestry and Hunting Bogdan Kolesnik, deputy head Igor Liakhovich, director of "Manevitskiy LH" Z. Kolesnik and son Bogdan, director of "Lyubeshovsky dr led LH" Yuri Vasyuhnyk even noticed smoke from a distance. Pid'yihavshy closer, they saw a fire of dead wood are turned over to agricultural forest. Wind rozburhuvav element - and the flame became more powerful and instantly cover more and more territory.
We started to put out branches. But red cock fight in the forest is much more difficult than in the field. Wind subjected to heat. The situation could be about to get out of control. Understand that some people are just returning dr led from a raid, with this simply can not cope. While working quickly, the fire gathered dr led momentum. Dry needles promoted epicenter fire. Realizing that there is no escape, Kolesnik Sr. ordered rake deck to take fire from further areas, men began to make a strip that would stop the fire. Smokescreen prevented breathe fire warming air temperatures to bumper, but "glade" in the floor worked. Going to the bare earth, fire abated. However, had put out his hands busy trunks to keep out the elements up.
The fire was still curbed. With a red face and black soot hands, dr led eyes, tears of smoke, they moved on. Happy that nahodylysya so timely. Looking at red sunset and bidkalysya for it - a sign: Tomorrow will be windy. Dry weather comes, and when even the wind ... hard. But even more difficult - to overcome human indifference. How many times you repeat burn dry - not only harmful to the soil, but also dangerous for wildlife! Author: Oksana Churilo Source: Volyn newspaper, 5.05.2011
In Luhansk dr led through attacks on "Grad" forest fire Katastrofycheskye lesotorfyanыe pozharы dr led in Zone chernobыlskoho Next on the consequences dr led mogut sravnytsya with the accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Belarus razrabotaly New ohnetushaschyy composition for Prevention pryrodnыh Pozharova In eastern forests burn ... During the ATO in eastern Ukraine was held 3000 fires (infographics)
Stop, stop, Mr. Ostap! 0 sec ago environmentalists against ... Marchuk pictured. And vaabschye 2:00 43 hours ago house in the swamp 1 day 8 hours ago Agree 2 days 17 hours ago How is low- 3 days !!! 2 days 20 hours ago Kaki three days? 3 days 2 hours ago 3 days of darkness))) 3 days 19 hours ago Grade 1 week 2 days ago looking dr led for you friends among foresters Mr. Ostap ??? 1 week 2 days ago While you are here chubytes 1 week 2 days ago
Regional management Reskomlis LCD Cherkasy Chernihiv Chernivtsi Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk region of Ivano-Frankivsk dr led Kirovohrad Kyiv Lugansk Lviv Mykolaiv Odesa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkasy Chernihiv Chernivtsi crown UkrRIMF Ukrderzhlisproekt Lubnu Bereznovsky College College College Storozhynets Harkivdiproahrolis Ukrtsentrkadrylis
30/03 Bidding dr led forest as legalized dr led corruption scheme <br> 637 31/03 reform strategy furniture industry. Your opinion? 435 31/03 <br> dr led reduce exports of forest promise in the future, but will not prohibit <br> 431 03/04 with no known cause regional authorities ignored the conference was organized GP "Kaniv forestry" 418 <br> 31/03 Scheme Bukovynian foresters dr led and their "roofs ". How soon will the ... 356 <br> 01/04 Mazuryk Basil: A year of forestry managed to make profitable <br> 303 01/04 Hunters Lviv businessman accused in the seizure of forest dr led Yavoriv and creating your own "Mezhyhirya" 278 <br> 05/04 Nauchnoe zakrыtye 272 <br> 02/04 Responding to criticism. dr led Refutation of false information regarding the SE "Putyla LH" on 24.03.2015 in the online edition of the "Perspective" 247 <br> 02/04 Transcarpathia reborn furniture manufacture 223 <br>
19/03 The main directions of reform and development of the forest sector. Your opinion? 6710 <br> 12/03 In Lviv while receiving a bribe detained the head of state enterprises <br> 15/03 3407 fight of corruption in Ukraine? Easy! Recipe LEADING эkonom

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