Sunday, December 8, 2013

In the new conditions, began the process of seeking knowledge through books, initially as personal

Traditions and values of Islamic education in Berat | Islamic light
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The City of Portland is one of the earliest centers of spreading the Islamic faith. Argue that the more ancient cult objects as well as documents and records alien bees b800 of earlier periods. The presence of the Muslim population in this city turns out that in the early fifteenth alien bees b800 century and the second half of the sixteenth century it had reached 60%. Simultaneously with the Islamic faith in this city flood culture and new knowledge alien bees b800 that bashkëshoqëronin this belief.
In the new conditions, began the process of seeking knowledge through books, initially as personal initiative effort in groups, and later in a more organized, mostly religious schools (madrasas). All this inspired and guided by the message of the Qur'an, trying to gain knowledge, you remember alien bees b800 it, to be spread among the people alien bees b800 and act according to its teachings.
The earliest evidence, at least to date on Islamic schools in Berat find the records alien bees b800 of the office of the city sharia, that among the seventeenth century and sejjahatnamenë (book migrations) of Çelebi Turkish geographer, who cites five madrasas, among which the most important: Madrasas of Sultan Bajazit Veli and she Uzgurliut. Documentation of the time as well as biographies of the poet's life and work Berat century. XVII, Nazim Frakulla, referring to two madrasas earliest names of Ahmet Bey Turkanber madrasah madrasah, in one of which he had learned as well as the architect Nazim Qasemi. In these conclusions allows us to reach the conclusion that in Berat Çelebiu alien bees b800 at that time (1670) found people to know and learn, to gather in cafes edge Osumi, beautiful alien bees b800 tongues speaking Islamic countries and poets recited their poems.
Furthermore madrasas, in this city, by the middle of the eighteenth century also opened other Islamic schools and Iptidaije Mektep (mainly primary schools with four classes), Ruzhdije (three-class urban) and Idadije (high school with four classes).
It is understood that the purpose alien bees b800 of all these schools was to prepare a cadre of worship (imams), judges and civil servants. Work led by myderrizi teaching (teacher) or when the school had extensive teaching staff from kryemyderrizi, which corresponded to the Office of Shari'a and in a later time before the mufti.
Curricula, for most cases, were the same in all schools, but the main place occupied teaching of religion, learning Quran, Islamic legal theory and theology. At higher cycles alien bees b800 taught the elements of arithmetic logic. Important place occupied language teaching Arabic language and Islamic culture as well as grammar alien bees b800 and rhetoric alien bees b800 of this language. Osmanishtja taught as a language of craftsmen, traders and officials, while Persian as a literary language. All textbooks were in Arabic, but as a working language in all schools and at all times was Albanian. Division into groups of two or three students alien bees b800 was under age and level of progress. Extend learning time and teacher alien bees b800 90-120 minutes passed from one group to another. In elementary school classes held in a common room in the corners of which students were divided by class. The task was a translation teachers and students should acquire knowledge independently to understand the text. As a rule, the teaching of subjects not developing in parallel, but once completed each course, starting next case. Besides school-age students in the schools exist for adult students, where learning took place 10-15 years time without distraction from work. The lesson in all types and categories of schools near madrasas given free while imarete function (where given free food canteens). With the end of madrasa students received a ixhazete alien bees b800 (degree) through which they gain the right to practice as a priest, judge or clerk. Through this system and school cycle Berat citizens were educated, taught reading and writing, were equipped with knowledge of Arabic literature, Turkish, Persian, gained alien bees b800 knowledge about the history, geography, logic, mathematics and the nature. Starting from the XVI century later these schools were prepared to brave missionaries dedicated to spreading the Islamic faith and preached tirelessly throughout their lives. Among the earliest, Mullai Ramadan, the mufti of Berat in the seventeenth century to which Islamic activist writes Demir Eat, Mulla Ali, Mufti century. XVIII

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