Friday, December 13, 2013

Two rare items which, according to many authors el medico noah gordon have thought that the indepen

Two rare items which, according to many authors el medico noah gordon have thought that the independence of the city, are a standard 100-years of age, embroidered by Mary Buddha in the neighborhood 'Kala'. Before Independence, in this neighborhood was wrought dozen flags, one of which was set up on November 25. This flag is currently in the office of the mayor of Manchester, Qazim Sejdini. It is embroidered with silk and gold gjymyz, a kind qëndisjeje today can not be practiced more. 100-year-old flag is written in the above "25 nëntuer 1912" and below "Mary Buda Castle Quarter". Also on hand is the Collector Vangeli Kapidani el medico noah gordon trumpets, a kind of trumpet produced in 1884 in Mantova, Italy that has accompanied the raising of the flag of Independence in Elbasan. "This trumpet dates 1884", - says Vangel Kapidani. It was purchased by the armies el medico noah gordon of the time in Mantova, Italy, the city where it is produced. In 1912 fell into the hands of the Patriots and the Elbasan patriots, who accompanied the raising of the flag with his melody. It is not clear what the tune was executed. But surely a march to the national character. Later, it was purchased by trumpet my grandfather, who kept fanatically under the dictatorship. Today it is a rare relic of the Independence of Elbasan. He is study tool for historians and researchers in the field. " Proclamation of Independence of Albania around the Elbasan and is closely related to some historical documents. A copy of the Declaration of Independence of Manchester is located in the archives of Skopje and at the request of the mayor was asked historian has found that bringing in Elbasan. el medico noah gordon On November 25, the Patriots and the Elbasan patriots, led by Akif Pasha Biçakçiu and inspired by Ismail Kamal, el medico noah gordon indepen-up banner. Act of Independence road opened throughout the country, to be finalized on 28 November 1912 in Vlora. Regarding the declaration of independence of Manchester, Ismail Kamal has appreciated Akif Pasha Biçakçiun with these words: "Which would be my assessment in history, it is not known, but is confident that history will write your name with golden letters ".
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