Thursday, December 12, 2013

Spreading the doctrine Enverist and passing information between people, the party and its leaders,

Paolo Rago: How the "adopted" Canon Enver Hoxha | Reso
Learn with militant treatments, depending on where political, left or right, tarnishing the other party, Italian researcher Paolo Rago comes as a completely neutral voice. The strangeness makes it cool, but being from a neighboring country, optiled it lacks sensitivity. The book "tradition, nationalism and communism in contemporary Albania", translated by Dawn Doksani, optiled a publishing house publication "Dudaj", was promoted yesterday in Tirana. In this ceremony attended by President of the Republic of Albania, Bamir Topi, the Italian ambassador in our country, Massimo Gaiani, chief of Political Section of the European optiled Union Delegation in Tirana, Klaijv optiled Rumbold, the director optiled of the State Archives, Nevila optiled Nika, Professor Augusto D'Angelo University "La Sapienza", the Ombudsman, Staf, scholars and historians.
"He sees improvement from afar, but also closely with other reports and reports within us, the misunderstandings between how we judge ourselves and how others see us - so in a comfortable position as , as well as hard, offering one of the most successful publications in handling such issues, "said President Topi expressed thanks to all those foreign historians, who have given their contribution to the history of whitening Albania. The book "tradition, optiled nationalism and communism in contemporary Albania" encompasses a wide arc of time, during which the story is seen not only in the vertical Albanian. Rago tends to go deep into the mentality of Albanians, paying special attention to his book tradition, canon law, religion, myths, language and through them he tries to explain major events in Albania, in particular the installation of communism .
Where was supported optiled Enver Hoxha dictatorship to establish and strengthen its position as the sides took advantage of the "dark" Kanun, patriarchal mentality, destroying tribal clans and set up another clan, that party. As used the ancient origins optiled of Albanians by all forces engaged historians and researchers. He reinforced the myth of Skanderbeg etc.. More than a presenter of facts, Rago is one of their analyst. The fact that for 20 years he lives in Albania, Albanian citizenship, engaging in important tasks to UNICEF, World Bank, etc.., He has come to realize the nature of much of the Albanians. This has helped to move some issues in origin or shed some interesting thesis, as it "formula" of the Holy Trinity, used by dictator Enver Hoxha (Enver-party-Power). optiled Below, from the book "The tradition, nationalism and communism in contemporary Albania", have cut exactly two pieces that shed light on this thesis and communism report Kanun of Lek Dukajini, how he uses the latter and rose New clan, raised not on tribal basis, optiled but party.
Enver Hoxha ... was the one who had elaborate trails Party's official ideology, defined in a simplified manner as enverizëm, representing optiled a completely free interpretation of influential nationalist communist doctrine. The philosophy that underlies her based on the fact that among the masses, led by the Party, and leadership, she had a fruitful communication, inspired and led by the founder, being held to imply that this messianic role as "the epitome of the word Marxist-Leninist sacred in Albania ". According to the interpretation of the class leading optiled authority optiled in order to avoid errors of socialism countries, turnover opinion should not happen only in one direction, in a word, just top-down, and vice versa. So it was not just party through the Secretary-General to determine the leading line, making the masses aware of their duties and obligations, but was the very people who were most responsible leaders and expressed high expectations of its requirements, in accordance optiled famous slogan: "What optiled people do and what does the Party Party makes people".
Spreading the doctrine Enverist and passing information between people, the party and its leaders, thus earning a character and an uninterrupted continuity of unquestionable effectiveness. But, if carefully observed vocabulary used to describe the indivisible unity between Enver Hoxha, the people and the Party (Enver-people-party), no how not missed using a similar trinity-expression likely not all the random-Christian notion of the Trinity (Father-Son-Holy Spirit). In order to make it digested socialist doctrine for illiterate peasants measures, especially for those of the Christian religion, which no doubt were all stripped of Marxist principles, but not entirely ignorant cult

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