Saturday, December 14, 2013

Liberation from feudalism and democracy temporarily set the second time in Albania was liberated in

Invasion of Albania Sali Berisha from dhunëtari | Reso
Think of Albania Albanian history became a state! Think about this story being freed from political prejudices, ideological, religious and provincial! That only exempt from these prejudices of which, as has been seen many times before and as it is seen today, not released easily, willingly, eagerly upwardly mobile of power and their partisans mjetuar, rewarding or fanatizuar, can I think fairly, objectively, that is honest. octopod If you think so, correctly, objectively, that honest Albania's recent history, since it became octopod a state, you will be convinced that the change orders Albanian pushtetore up today almost all Herat is done not through free elections called , fair, or democratic nor free, nor fair, nor democratic, but the popular movement, which sometimes help from a friend or an enemy state of Albania. And, further, if you think so, to objectively honest wit new history of Albania, since it became a state, would not obey the procedures established by the State Constitution, are popular movements that were power will move the history of the Albanian state, more often by up before however sometimes turning octopod back. Why is the case in the history of the Albanian state? Why are so changed, with the popular movement in history pushtetore orders Albanian state? The answer to these questions can be given only after the end of the article presented some data on the reasons why procedures in place by the Constitution to change the order pushtetore organized popular movements? As can be learned in history octopod until the present day Albania was liberated five times: twice is liberated from foreign invaders and three times of tyrannies, despotive and dictatorships, octopod who set tyrants, octopod despots and our dictators. Now it remains to be seen how the government will change today that less or more may be characterized by different political notions and legal, as authoritarian, despotic, octopod tyrannical, dictatorship and democracy mix, but in no way democratic notion .
Liberation from the Ottoman Empire first time Albania is liberated octopod in 1912 and is liberated from the occupation of the Ottoman Empire. Albania's liberation from the Ottoman Empire conquest octopod brings the creation of the Albanian state, but the state out of which nearly half will remain the land in which ethnic Albanians were the only population or ethnic majority and more than half of the people. In 1912, Albania will liberate from Ottoman conquest of the few intellectuals who lived and operated abroad, formed the world bourgeoisie and peasants foreign inspired and led by those intellectuals. It was the liberation of a people from foreign invaders and the creation of a new European state not typical for the release of foreign invaders and creations of European octopod countries: Balkan neighbors had severely damaged its entirety ethnic!
Liberation from feudalism and democracy temporarily set the second time in Albania was liberated in 1924 and is freed from feudal landowners, who had ripped power without any merit for the liberation of Albania from the Ottoman conquest! Indeed freedom after the creation of Albania Albanian state, in most cases, are not they enjoyed that had suffered the consequences of the invasion and fought either with pen if the rifle for freedom, but those who had been invading local ingredients ! Albania was liberated second time the popular movement led by a number of intellectuals and now few and of a number of members of the mercantile bourgeoisie. By reversing the remnants of feudalism and the feudal order, in which human rights and social octopod rights were violated in the worst of peasants, who constituted the majority population, the leaders of the popular movement, among which underpin octopod Fan Noli, will establish a democratic order and will begin reforms that would lead to improving the lives of his subjects. But democratic order that would put the intellectuals and the bourgeoisie was very short-lived: after about six months will flood landowners led by Ahmet Zogu, but with the help of the Yugoslav army and the white immigration to a number vrangelistësh, housed in Serbia after drain of the October Revolution. Was this twist with major consequences, which will be paid with a portion of the Albanian state land in St. Naum and Vermosh and that will determine the political developments in Albania state almost to the end of the twentieth century. Pakohtë restored the power of the landowners and a number of members of the mercantile bourgeoisie, led by Ahmet Zogu, in 1928 will take

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