Saturday, December 14, 2013

o grout has no tact! at least find a

Rama is retiring as chairman of the SP. Grout: No other candidate than him | Journal Web
To respect the constitution and rules of the party, a working group composed of Organizing Secretary, Blendi Klosi and members of the Union Taulant Balla Fino, are preparing a report, not only for selecting the party leader, but also for the election of mayors organizations, who have a 2-year term.
"The elections for the head of the SP are delayed as he is in charge of affairs as prime minister and president. Currently the group is set up for selecting a new party chairman. It is normal delay this process, due to general elections without a new government was constituted, we can not, we reported in another election, multi luminaires that of the President, "said Fino.
"The Presidency of the Socialist multi luminaires Party, Assembly, leaders of local units have two-year term and are elected every two years. While the mayor has a four-year term. Mayor's mandate multi luminaires is over and now we will work on getting the names of the candidates for president and Congress assembled.
Ben primaries and test candidates, if it comes after Rama wins votimit.Shume simple! Stale phrases to leave these with the plebiscite single candidate, multi luminaires that do not impress anyone.
o grout has no tact! at least find a "Dokle" as the first Ramiz pluralist legislature! that CIMI, Melaminit friend said earlier that where the rabbit sleeps! when he gave dorheqje not lost on the wins! The thing that I wish is vetnia viva "glorious leader" and become eternal! least spare the time for elections! do not run at all and did not see nothing! multi luminaires Turkish Erdogan require credit account! not give the vain! have given money and BC have devoured half of Albania, imagine 3.8 billion? air and have to sell nai!
Elinor're wrong! rama not copy never Saliu, the ndjn themselves inferior to him, he is inspired by the "Gandhi of the greatest ballkanit.i Rrugova! Rugova like "struggled" with his gandizmin, people in the cafe before it! then why put a fake competitor, they feel so inferior hear not only words but visionary leaders and others, not only normally heard but smelled! is an insult to the glorious leader of competition, and then he will not a rival who is not able to beat, very poor! Elinor therefore multi luminaires we must unite around the Phanar lights, rotating, to break up straight?? europe or turkey, this I know that, but ultimately it does not matter! viva lantern lights!
"I will be the only candidacy of Mr. Rama, as he emerged multi luminaires from the general election as a plebiscite vote winner. Why should make new choices? There are dance "Maqo" or "Taqo" that it can shock Edi? People will party and the party has its commanders friend Edi Edi ... when we say say party, and when we say say party Edi "said Fino. / P
In fact "shit" are real people who like your job you can not get out of political sycophancy disgusting. I honor the medhnej critics of Sales to Web are riffraff like you deserve no response
Galleries these 23 years has lost more time to capture time and as soon as that Rama should be perveshin sleeves and work to enter the country as prime minister and chairman of the SP task should permit another TJA, if Rama does that then we will say that have regenerated.
Rama normal to remain chairman. If a race should anyway, but not as Maqo. But it was hard not vote plebiscite plebiscite. With all allies and SMI Frroku not got 57% 83%. Just as the party received almost as much as in 2009. Well for this party will be resolved. Let us see better numbers. Ngrefosjet ultimately have approached the end was even before Rama others. However while prime minister and heads the coalition is winning there is no reason not to remain party leader. The problem is with those others within the party. Let's try to make someone really race that ultimately people to even see a face other than not lacks decent SP. Of course one would win, and I believe Rama, but racing makes everything serious convincing for the winner and not even for the winner (I do not call that man has not lost while losing what). What if no one feels and does not run, and the party itself puts you order yourself to this race anyway, so they could not complain about the authoritarian leader, dictator of which I know, while we nurture the greatness and lock themselves pazevendesueshmerine.
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