Thursday, January 22, 2015

American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Cuadernos psiquiatria enlace Emergency Medicine Emerge

Therapieresistente, transformatoare deze gedefinieerd als: onvoldoende effect van behandeling met twee antipsychotica in voldoende transformatoare dosering gedurende zes weken, waarbij een klassiek en een moderne antipsychotica zijn gebruikt . Compliance was gedurende de 6 weken optimaal.
Voor start: Informatie aan patiĆ«nt en familie. + folder Lab: BSE, HB, Leuko’s + Differentiatie, LHD, G-GT, SGOT.SGPT (=ASAT, ALAT) Ecg Chek uit: Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovasculaire aandoeningen, Epilepsie, transformatoare Glaucoom, Ileus, Hernia Diafragmatica Cave Interacties
Interpretatie Lab: Daling leuko’s  tot minder 3500 x mm3: controle 2 x week Indien leuko’s minder dan 3000 x mm3 of segmenten minder dan 1500 mm3 STOP Bij agranulocytose (Segment minder dan 0,5 mm3) SPOED Haematoloog
Acute (1) Agressie transformatoare (5) Ambulante (1) Antipsychotica (1) Behandeling (7) Benzodiazepinen (1) Bipolaire transformatoare (3) Clozapine (1) Crisisinterventie (3) Emergency (1) EmergenPSY (2) Fixatie (2) GHB (1) GHB Detox (1) GHB Intoxicatie (1) GHB Onttrekking (1) Laboratorium (2) Lithium (2) Onderzoek (1) Opname (3) Practice Based (3) Psychopharmaca (8) Publicaties (3) Richtlijnen Vrijheidsbeperking (2) Schizofrenie (1) Separatie transformatoare (1) Somatiek (1) SSRI (1) Terapieresistentie (1) Titreren (1) Valproaat (1) Verslaving (2)
MED+PSY NHG Standaarden DIAGNOSTIEK SCHILDKLIERFUNCTIE BENZODIAZEPINES Conversion calculator PsychiatrieNet Combining MOODSTABILIZERS PsychiatrieNet transformatoare Switching medication ANTIPSYCHOTICS PsychiatieNet transformatoare Switching medication ANTIDEPRESSANTS PsychiatrieNet CYTOCHROME P450 DRUG INTERACTION Meetinstrumenten transformatoare Meetinstrumenten TvP
The Psychiatric ER Survival Guide Managing a Psychiatric Emergency Psychiatric Emergencies in the Elderly Guidance liaison acute hospitals Behavioral Emergencies NVvP/ Publicaties APA Task Force on Psychiatric Emergency Services: Report and Recommendations transformatoare Regarding Psychiatric Emergency and Crisis Service Emergency mental health educational manual (UBC) La responsabilidad medica en la urgencia psiquiatrica Urgencias psiquiatricas no pronto socorro geral: agressividade e agitacao psicomotora Biblioteca de Psiquiatria transformatoare en Urgencias Urgencias Psiquiatricas Emergency Psychiatric Services Journal References Emergency Psychiatric Services Systematic Reviews Emergency Psychiatric Services Review Articles Crisis Intervention Review transformatoare Articles Crisis Intervention Systematic Reviews Crisis Intervention Journal References The Psychiatric Emergency Research Collaboration transformatoare Management transformatoare of Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium Treatment of Psychiatric Patients in Emergency Settings Workplace Violence Restraint and Seclusion in Psychiatric Inpatient Wards Management of Behavioral Emergencies and the Use of Atypical Antipsychotics PATIENT SAFETY AND PSYCHIATRY RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION SAFE MD: Practical Applications and Approaches to Safe Psychiatric Practice (PDF) VIOLENCE Occupational Hazards in Hospitals DHHS (NIOSH) Establishing gold standard approaches to rapid tranquillisation: A review and discussion of the evidence on the safety and efficacy of medications currently used POLICY & GUIDANCE FOR THE RECOGNITION, PREVENTION, AND THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT OF VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION The Content of Management of Violence Policy Documents The management of violence transformatoare in general psychiatry Violence and agression: References transformatoare Violence clinical practice guidelines The short-term management of disturbed/violent behaviour in in-patient psychiatric settings and emergency departments Guias de practica clinica basadas en la evidencia. URGENCIAS PSIQUIATRICAS Aggression Management: Childhood to Old Age Optimal Management of Psychosis & Agitation in the Elderly Clinical Management of Agitation
American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Cuadernos psiquiatria enlace Emergency Medicine Emergenza Psichiatrica transformatoare Italia Informatiepunt dwang in de zorg NTvP NVvP Psychiatry on-line Brazil The International Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project
►  2013 (1) ►  juni (1) ▼  2012 (19) ►  maart (12) ▼  februari (3) CLOZAPINE PROTOCOL VALPROAAT PROTOCOL SCHEMA VOOR HET INSTELLEN OP LITHIUM ►  januari (4)

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