Monday, January 19, 2015

Search for: Recent Posts Results Good intentions? Latest studio luce Blog 2014 Emotional Many times

An inflamed hand during the 2 nd and cure an inflamed mouth now during the 3rd. Yesterday morning upon waking, I found it no more fun. The pain was too intense, even to just swallow without food or drink. The doctor also noted that "the studio luce sheets hanging there 'in my mouth. Unfortunately there is nothing that can promote healing - by restoring the immune system and thus increase the body's leukocytes to address the inflammation itself - there can only be done on pain management. Morphine patches have therefore been replaced by a morphine pump that constantly emits a high level of morphine. I also get an extra shot of some time for meals. It soothes the pain somewhat, but food and drink is still very painful and very difficult. I would be able to choose to leave some morphine increase the level, but I do not. I'm studio luce at this level for so dull as a rabbit. When reading a book or watching TV, I fall asleep promptly. I think I already have the 24 hours 14-16 hours of sleep per day.
But there is good news. The leukocytes were today at the level 2.1. Theoretically, studio luce this means I'm out of the dip and go home. But like the doctor I think this at this moment just is not wise. The mouth symptoms must first be less in such a way, that the morphine pump is no longer necessary. In principle, this also should not take too long, since the leuco's now started the inflammation itself can tackle. Tomorrow is a comprehensive blood test to see if all sub-categories of leuco's rise as well. And then it could be a matter of days ....
ciska the lion says:
What say violently ... and I hope it's really been a bit better you go ... .in mind I walk along with you and wish you all the good that you need! warm greetings and Marielle ps. you really do not ask too much hearing regarding a suitable roommate .. they have only just make! Such crazy demands can not imagine;-).
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Search for: Recent Posts Results Good intentions? Latest studio luce Blog 2014 Emotional Many times long ago Comments Dr. Bernhard Results Huub on Results ciska the lion Results Huub on good intentions? maud on Latest Blog Archive 2014 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September studio luce 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 Categories Uncategorized Meta Register studio luce Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS
Search for: Recent Posts Results Good intentions? studio luce Latest Blog 2014 Emotional Many times long ago Comments Dr. Bernhard Results Huub on Results ciska the lion Results Huub on good intentions? maud on Latest Blog Archive 2014 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 Categories Uncategorized Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS Create a free website or blog on WordPress .com.
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