Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Well there must surely what will happen with all the encouragement. Renata, I wanted to thank you f

This morning I had the bone marrow biopsy. It was pretty easy to me. I thank God that He was with me and gave me peace. Well have to wait for the result which can take a day long in coming. The leukocytes were also not risen yet. They still go today counting the concentration, which is also indicative of growing leukoencephalopathy programs. So exciting. Tonight robbert has stayed with me. Bit odd that you're going to stay with your wife. The nurses put a hospital bed next to my bed. We both slept well and it was cozy. The nurses also enjoy it they can offer that. Very sweet. Good service. Thus Rob this morning at the puncture that was quite nice. Home Marieke stayed overnight with us, Lenthe happy, it became real "girlfriends". Marieke lives with us in the street, the wife of Henk Jan has them sit with us in church and prayer. She goes every week with Lenthe to the stables. For Lent thrilled that continues. Sweet! Thank you all for your sympathy, help and prayer. Love Wies
Ha dear Wies, What super Robbert pro lighting was 'stay'. I see it all for me, two beds together. I owe you just to 'bijlezen' and again come to the conclusion that you are a brave man. We continue to hear prayer. Actually I clap my laptop because my textbooks are waiting after my vacation. But computers are addictive ... AIAI, now he's really close. big kiss, Annelies pro lighting van Rhee
We were also in thought and prayer pro lighting with you. Now we wait for the results. Nice to see that he can stay that. Carolien when Han was in the hospital and later in the rehabilitation clinic a few times stayed with him. We then stayed with the children. Strength with everything, greetings Ineke you recognize me that ugly green tree male everytime reappears next to my response. haha
Also on 26 primrose has slept and HJ thought it was great the whole bed to themselves! When you go back and stay with Wies, Robbert? pro lighting Frankly, I also really enjoys the Wednesday afternoon pro lighting at the stables! Is truly a getaway as the middle of a work week. Luxury though. Well, I now join Dirk Peter ...... .GO Leuko'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thick cuddle! Marieke
Yes, go Leuko programs. That you may grow (and we read the Bible and pray every day!) Or as it was sung previously with Klaas Walter and Wolfgang; Read your bible on the roof. Robbert; tough you were at the puncture. Such a thing is not really funny to see. But the toughest is Wies:-) kiss Marit
How wonderful that you were able to be together !!! God's blessing on the growth of your leukoencephalopathy's pro lighting (I do not know quite how it works, but just add me to the rest). Our Dad can do anything! He's yours, even before He created the world, chosen to love you, you are His child. Whatever you feel, think or do, you can not (!) Come under His blessing and love. You turn waiting into my dancing. You cloth me with garments of Joy. ps 30:11 to Sons of Korah
Dear Wies, Exciting those results with success .. wait !! And you've been back fat cool with that puncture !! Am proud of you! Ennuh slumber parties always nice .. now just in a new setting .. something different than a 2 bed or mosquito-tents .. Thank Robbert could sleep! Big hugs to you both! I'll keep praying!
yes, you were also in our thoughts and fine that it was not too bad, well grow those things pro lighting ...... Super, Robbert in you could sleep, what service and what they think of it, you've chosen pro lighting a good hospital. Thank Marieke could sleep at home with you and nice to be "buddies" s with Lenthe, that is an honor ... .. strength with "wait and see"
Ellen | February 28, 2011 at 14:53 | Reply
Ha dear Wies, Joel morning was just a 'leuko'truitje to ... I told Elise that she only had a moment to take a picture for you of. In thought and prayer always with you, Mark, Ellen and kids
Glad it was this morning, and that there could be with Robbert. Here, too, sympathized with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. And now even that's leukoencephalopathy encourage WE HAVE AN L, WE HAVE AN E, WE HAVE A YOU, WE HAVE A K, WE HAVE A GO O Leuko'S pro lighting GO !!!!
Well there must surely what will happen with all the encouragement. Renata, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful butterfly. Fun alternative to flowers! Did you make it yourself? there have been a few nurses who want to have him. Greetings washed
Happy to hear that done butterfly! I need only give credit pro lighting to René. Who bought it because:-) He comes from a wholesaler for packaging and related items. If the nurses there one like you give and just scream.
I think should be going to your leukoencephalopathy's & #

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