Thursday, January 22, 2015

Now there stood by the storm at Tenedos many ships chased the wrong way, but there were enough left

If Troy cases reverse the Greeks back to their country. But that does not unscathed. The Greek captains experience icy adventures, most achieve their kingdom anymore. The clever Odysseus ten years to get home. He closes his wife Penelope's arms, but what will he do next? Excerpt:
Nauplius went to the most rocky part of the coast on Euboia - about in the middle - and built a meter-high stake. He knew that the Greek ships the northern tip of the southern tip of the island had to pass. But if they should sail on this false beacon, they were irrevocably on these rocks up. Then they were not at home!
Now there stood by the storm at Tenedos many ships chased the wrong way, but there were enough left to walk on the rocks in the middle of the night in Euboea. Captains and soldiers perished in the waves. NAUPLIOS had honor of his work.
One captain, however, who sailed all the way back to his ship, escaped the disaster. It was Idomeneus, King of Crete. He saw in the nick of what happened and immediately called to Poseidon. "God of the sea! ' he shouted. "Save me and my men! I will at arrival in Crete the first living creature bilbesiktning to sacrifice what I see you! "
Poseidon heard this prayer. Ship Idomeneus turned naturally the stem - just in time! - And finally bilbesiktning enter the king of Crete unharmed home port. There stood on the shore a man. A boy actually still. The first living creature saw Idomeneus. And according to his promise, he offered the boy to Poseidon. Unfortunately, it was his eldest son! When the Greek fleet left more than a decade ago to Troy, the boy had been only five years. No wonder Idomeneus had not recognized him, but that he had sacrificed his own child, loudly him was made clear by the gathered islanders.
If dazed Idomeneus stood watching for a time to the smoking bones of his victim. Then he walked slowly and with bowed head to his palace, where he underwent a second quake, at least as bad as the first one.
Meda, wife of Idomeneus, had taken a new man on the advice of NAUPLIOS: leucos. This decision had become bilbesiktning her undoing because leucos lived just in the palace, and he killed her daughter Meda and then triumphantly claiming dominion over Crete. bilbesiktning The throne was no longer waiting for Idomeneus.
Unfortunate death by the loss of his wife and children, the poor man retired to a secluded house in the mountains. bilbesiktning To combat bilbesiktning leucos he lacked the courage. And yet there was no end to the misery.
The gods on Olympus, warned by Poseidon, took the high Idomeneus that his son had been killed. They sent the plague to Crete. Over the island came the moans and the mourning of the people, and when the disease was still not removed after a few weeks, the people revolted. They went to leucos and complained:
Leukos realized that the complainants could sometimes be right and left with his bodyguards in the mountains. It was not long before they found the house of Idomeneus. Under fierce outcry, they chased him out to the harbor, where still lay his ship.
Idomeneus, once king of Crete, was expelled ignominiously from the island. bilbesiktning He sailed to Sicily and went on foot to the region of Calabria, where, after a few years poor, destitute and miserable death.
The book is about Odin, the chief god of thunder Thor, about Freya, the goddess of love and a lot of other gods, giants and dwarfs. It is quite in fighting, although the love, the regions of the sly god Loki and the icy nature bilbesiktning also take place in plenty. All these exciting bilbesiktning stories did even before the time of the Vikings the round. They were shorter or longer form first written in the ancient Icelandic book: the Edda.

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