Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hi Wies, was just assuming you again today had to be back in the hospital, but some fine read that

So, I enjoy being home. Every day, go outside and just getting everyone around me. Again very familiar while indeed a confrontation. The fact that you do not really participate, while I first kind oversaw the goings on at home. But what's funny is that you're right back mother. Say the things kids need to clean up, ask for the homework etc:)). They know I'm home. Can I do anything to have been 21 years old mother ... .First night I could not sleep in our big bed but the next night I was already accustomed. Yes, and here they are ... leuco programs. Today in two hospitals blood sample (?) Bunch of vampires and it came out that the leuco's about 0.8 are nearly one and that is the aim. Whoopee! So anyway. Still have a low resistance, but they grow. I have also had information on the transplant in the UMC. This goes to the third round. I'm going to spend a whole in the UMC. A week or 4-5. Tomorrow I hear more about it.
Was nice to come this morning in hospital with clothes. Not as a patient in pajamas. I had my wig on and none of the nurses recognized me, it was funny. That wig I had not often there.
I'm on the SW and tonight at the food (fries) a lot of questions about how you're doing. Just watched your blog to tell. What good leuco's are rising !!! ! The rest of the stories from here are the mail:-). Love, Immeke
Hi, Well, maybe I love Daan do about it; he finally stick champion of the family. Yes, it is a special event; that are donor. Quite exciting too. But when I read how Wies trust in God but I'm fine standing near her (in mind than the ... ..) I learn a lot from my big sister.
Hi Wies, was just assuming you again today had to be back in the hospital, but some fine read that you enjoy at home nice and're mothering. And ... leuco's rise! Great. We are happy for you!
Hi Wies, which is fine, that you can be good at home and there is so much good news. Enjoy it. Thanks also for all your positive messages, your encouragement and your testimonies of how you experience the presence and help of God. That is very encouraging for others to read. We continue to pray for you. Greetings and Melanie Ad
Hi, nice that it goes well with you and that you are back at home. It seems wonderful that you can go out with that nice weather, little freedom back. Lenthe certainly find it very nice that you're home !? Much strength with waiting for the latest results etc. Greetings Gera
Hey Wiesbaden Great news about the leuco's. 40 watt sun Finally Quite exciting to see the information about the treatment. But also nice that you know what you stand for. And, you are not alone. We are all around you. Kiss from Folkertjes Elst
Nice dude that you are momentarily at home! Enjoy it (and you do that of course: D). And good news of leuco programs. Funny that they do not recognize at first, through 40 watt sun which pajamas they do not quite know that you are so stylish! I still get a lot of comments on a bag that you have made and of course the beautiful necklaces! We continue to pray for you!
Maybe you've 40 watt sun even seen it myself, but a few weeks ago the department where you are staying on TV, with which Dr. De Weerd; that seemed in many ways a good doctor, a very nice man. Fine idea that you are being treated by him. Wish you the best weather and love from us, Jan and Maaike, 40 watt sun Christy (Eric hears now officially no longer, he now has a room in Groningen).
yes I have seen a piece. Dr. the repelled is a very good and dear doctor. Coincidentally, it was he on TV. And then there was only one child ...... fun for Eric and perhaps a bit sorry for Christie? Love from me
Wow what a great news! And how wonderful that you're 40 watt sun at home with this beautiful day outside and can be !!! Enjoy and we pray for a lasting blessing of joy and healing to you and your family. Love, William and Anna
Glad you're still at home! I had the idea that on Monday had to stay in the hospital. First you puncture, then to the UMC and then reabsorbed in Nieuwegein. Fortunately, that's not true. Can you save it home alone? I think that tough, sweet girls no holidays anymore.
Does not know what to say, but I think of you every day. You're my back or to neighbors (how you look at it) and see you in mind every day. I found and find always been a strong, tough girl with four nice girls and nice guy and I am impressed by what you've accomplished in your life (now also think you also thanks to your faith). And I admire that you also in these moments are so strong in God g

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