Sunday, January 25, 2015

Money starts to flow at the printer or the computer

Currencies in the future, or: how to get rid of the banks without burning them | Country Amorites
A great way to understand the world is to understand how money works, and a great way to change the world is changing how money works. This post two parts - the first try and explain how the state's money works and how a number of technical principles, stunning in their simplicity and monstrous influence, shape the society and the environment in which we live. The second santa e cole part will offer a solution made possible santa e cole for the first time thanks to network revolution - the establishment of a global barter community adopt a new currency gull these structural santa e cole distortions and through it conducted parallel economy.
This is not a solution of a model society utopian, is less radical ideas like eliminating santa e cole money, beyond the gift economy, resource-based economy of the Zeitgeist santa e cole Movement and others, but it can be a bridge there. The power lies in the feasibility - could begin to apply it tomorrow - without burning banks, without dropping governments and especially, without waiting for a collapse that what is replacing it is difficult to predict. In fact, to some extent, this solution is already underway.
But before fixing must understand what is broken. Heard a story about a volume that has become alchemist. In the 16th century gold smiths poured Bullion coins, and had until then only senior volumes, have become the preferred choice for merchants and nobles as a safe place to store their gold. It was a technical solution growing phenomenon of robberies. The person who gave gold received her acceptance santa e cole could demand santa e cole it back in due course. They soon found the traders instead extend and gold warehouse receipts easier to trade themselves. santa e cole Thus was born the bills - but that was no more than a technical solution. But then he found himself master quietly sitting on a mountain of gold and bored. Customers hardly come say hello, they forgot the gold and securities games. One day it hit him that will eventually deviation santa e cole we know today as the Bank - why do not I'll tape me a few receipts and go shopping? It is unlikely that everyone will demand santa e cole their gold at once.
That deaf, he found the philosopher's stone and learn overnight to produce gold, risked hanging. Is there a way to describe what he did except scam? Fortunately, he became rich enough to determine the rules instead of through them. Thus, the invention of money out of thin air, not only breaking the law these days, but that was tailored to her theory, she started formulas, and is one of the cornerstones of our economy - call it a partial reserve banking. Those who still did not understand the economy as we know it is a political theory that serves a tiny minority and not a science of formulas, please raise his textbooks and look around.
The following paragraphs will not be simple, not technically, and perhaps never mentally. To a great extent, we do not understand money as fish do not get water. The way in which money is created is so absurd, human brain learned to respect and recognize the importance of his unshakable, just having trouble contain it.
Money starts to flow at the printer or the computer's central bank, the Bank of Israel in our case. It was created out of thin air and deposited santa e cole in order of Governor commercial banks. The exact process is a little more complex, but ultimately in charge of new money, created through bureaucratic trick, a commercial bank account. The commercial banks also have the right to come up with a special silver, 90 percent of the money in circulation is created by "the private banks. How does that happen? By law, the bank must keep a reserve santa e cole of about ten percent of part-time and the rest is allowed to lend. Once the money that lender bank is also in charge of a commercial bank in turn required to hold only ten per cent and the rest to lend on - actually, santa e cole after a series of loans and deposits, it multiplies tenfold amount of money.
Here's how it works: the Bank of Israel NIS 100 prints and deposit them in the bank workers. Bank Hapoalim accompanied by NIS 90 Yossi and keeps the fund reserve of 10 shekels by law. Yossi places the 90 shekel at the Bank Leumi in turn saves 9 and accompanied by 81 shekels life deposited them at Discount accompanies 72.9 Danny deposited the money ... and so on. At the end of the process 100 shekels Bank of Israel invented in 1000 shekels become invented and lent commercial banks to their customers. All you have to do to banks lend money they do not have it change numbers on their computers. santa e cole
Is that real money? Ask Yossi life - not only is real, there is no other money - so just created money. Even before big business and government, before Concentration - There is a global economic elite which holds the monopoly for the production of money and collecting interest on it. We know if the money loaned to mankind by an alien entity, which requires interest only on the very right to use it.
Thousand shekels created out of nothing, were all born loans - Bank Hapoalim must state 100, Danny has to Bank Hapoalim 90, life must Leumi 81 and so on, and debt, as we know, the subject of interest. Every dollar and every dollar that exist in the world are interest-bearing santa e cole debt, just that they come into the world. If all debts will be paid - will not be considered one of the system. Of course it can not really happen - if Yossi demand his money from the National Bank to pay his debt to Bank Hapoalim, and will be joined by other bank customers who want to return their loans, they find out that the money is not really there - it is only ten percent of it really exist. When that happens, the bank bankrupt (And then, of course, the state extracts it).
And here must delve moment exponential accumulation mathematical concept. This video demonstrates the excellent, and is part of a crash course Chris Mrtnson beautiful translated into Hebrew and highly recommended and it is important to watch. Exponential accumulation is represented by graphs that start low and at one point flying up. The world's population, for example, santa e cole behaving exactly that - the first billion humanity came after tens of thousands of years, only two hundred years ago. Millard Fillmore second we arrived 127 years later. santa e cole The sixth seventh Millard Fillmore, we have reached a year ago, it is less than 12 years. As the world's population, also the amount of money accumulated in an exponential way. Since all interest-bearing money, and that is compound interest (cumulative) - one calculated not only on price but also on the interest accrued during the

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